建立了石墨烯修饰玻碳电极上盐酸克伦特罗(CLB)电化学行为的研究。利用微分脉冲伏安法(DPV)研究了CLB与鲱鱼精DNA(hs DNA)的相互作用。在0.1 mol/L的高氯酸溶液中,CLB在0.4 V附近有一对准可逆氧化还原峰,在1.0 V附近有一氧化峰。推测修饰电极上CLB电极反应机理可能是苯环上的氨基被氧化成亚氨基,亚氨基在水中反应生成苯醌,放出铵根离子。测定了1.0 V处CLB的氧化峰电流,表明氧化峰电流Ipa与CLB的浓度在10~150μmol/L范围内呈现良好的线性关系,方法检出限为5μmol/L(S/N=3)。当不同浓度hs DNA加入CLB溶液后,P1氧化峰电流降低且峰电位正移,表明CLB与hs DNA之间发生了相互作用,形成了非电活性的化合物。CLB与hs DNA之间的结合数为2,结合常数为1.4×105L/mol。
The electrochemical behaviors of clenbuterol hydro- chloride (CLB) at graphene modified glass carbon electrode (GP/GCE) were established and its interaction with herring sperm DNA (hs DNA) was developed using different pulse vohammetry (DPV). The drug was irreversibly oxidized at around 1.0 V,giving rise to a product which exhibited a qua- si-reversible couple at around 0.4 V. The reaction mechanism of CLB at GP/GCE may be described as follows:the benzene ring amino group which was oxidized to the imino, and imino reacted in water to produce benzoquinone, then releasing the ammonium ion. The oxidation peak of CLB at around 1.0 V was decided to study for analysis, there was a good linear rela- tionship between anodic peak current and CLB concentration in the rage from 10 to 150 μmol/L, and the detection limit (S/N = 3) was 5μmol/L. In the presence of CLB, after adding various concentrations of hs DNA,the redox peak current of CLB at 1.0 V was decreased and peak potential shifted positively,which indicated that CLB could react with hs DNA and form an electrochemical inactive compound. The binding equilibrium constant and binding ratios were calculated as 1.4 ×10^5 L/tool and 2:1 respectively.
Chemical Reagents