
六足机器人HITCR-Ⅰ的研制及步行实验 被引量:10

Development and Walking Experiment of Hexapod Robot HITCR-Ⅰ
摘要 针对六足机器人的非结构化地形步行问题,研制了小型六足机器人HITCR-Ⅰ.设计了基于复合四连杆机构的腿部结构,使其具备全方位的运动能力.为了进一步提高机器人的运动性能,构建了描述六足机器人整体灵活度的表达式,并依据表达式进行了结构优化设计.基于"行为"和"功能"的思想对控制目标进行规划,设计了基于"功能-行为"控制体系构架的运动控制器,结合适应非结构化地形腿部运动轨迹的规划和基于局部规则的自由步态生成,实现了非结构化地形六足机器人有效且稳定的步行.最后通过实验验证了六足机器人系统HITCR-I非结构化地形的步行能力. Developed in this paper is a hexapod robot HITCR-I to implement the free walking of hexapod robots on unstructured terrain. In the investigation, first, the structure of robot leg based on four-bar linkage mechanism is designed to realize an omnidirectional motion. Next, in order to further improve the motion performance of the robot, an expression describing the global flexibility of the robot is constructed and is applied to the optimization of structure parameters. Then, based on the idea of function-behavior-integration, the control objective is planned, and a motion controller is constructed. Moreover, by combining the trajectory planning suitable for the leg motion on unstructured terrain and the generation of free gaits based on local rules, effective and steady walking of the robot is achieved. An experiment is finally carried out to verify the walking ability of robot HITCR-I on unstructured terrain.
出处 《华南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第12期17-23,共7页 Journal of South China University of Technology(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家"863"计划重点项目(2007AA041550) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51105101) 机器人技术与系统国家重点实验室自主课题(SKLRS200901A01 SKLRS200901A03)
关键词 六足机器人 控制体系结构 非结构化地形 自由步态 轨迹规划 hexapod robot control architecture unstructured terrain free gait trajectory planning
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