

Elemental monitoring of steel scrap loading an electrical arc furance
摘要 评估了激光诱导击穿光谱(LIBS)在废钢料分析中的使用,以用于电弧炉中废钢料的元素监测。开发了一个LIBS原型用于现场试验,并将其安装在位于废钢料填充区和电弧炉之间的钟摆式输送槽上。LIBS原型距离电弧炉大约25m。废钢料填充的钟摆式输送槽的宽度和深度分别为大约2m和1m。调整废钢料的平均速率在0.3~5.5m/min的范围内,使之满足电弧炉的装填要求,从而使废钢料的生产能力达到100t/h。在安装地点,低合金废钢料中高含量硅的检测基本上对电弧炉控制的改进很有帮助。由于测量体积受限在600×600×180mm3,研发的原型仅检测了一小部分的钢料表面。但是,在线LIBS测量还是显示了在工业环境下测定高硅废钢料样品的能力。为了拓展在加料、过程控制及管理上的应用,应增加测量体积从而进一步提高其性能。 The use of laserinduced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) for scrap analysis has been evalua ted for elemental monitoring of steel scrap loading an electrical arc furnace (EAF). A LIBS prototype was developed and installed during a field test above a pendulum conveying trough between the scrap charging area and the EAF, approx. 25 m from the EAF. The width and depth of the conveying trough filled with the scrap are approx. 2 m and I m, respectively. The average scrap velocity is ad justed to the EAF loading requirements within a range of 0. 3 to 5. 5 m/min, resulting in a scrap throughput of 100 tons per hour, typically At the installation site, primarily, the detection of a high content of silicon in the lowalloy steel scrap is of interest for an improved control of the EAF. The online LIBS measurement showed the capability of detecting high silicon scrap in an industrial envi ronment, although the developed prototype detected only a fraction of the scrap load surface due to the restricted measuring volume of 600 X 600 X 180 mm3 ther improve the performance in order to exploit it for Increasing the measuring volume should fur charging/process control and management.
出处 《冶金分析》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期18-23,共6页 Metallurgical Analysis
关键词 在线分析 钢材 废钢料的回收利用 激光诱导击穿光谱 on-line analysis steel scrap recycling laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
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