用^(32)P和生物素标记的克隆化的人巨细胞病毒(HCMV)AD169株DNA片段作探针,采用DNA-DNA斑点杂交法,对照检测了27例婴儿肝炎综合症患者(血清学检测为非甲非乙型肝炎者)临床血、尿标本的HCMV-DNA。其中16份血标本呈阳性,占59%;9份尿标本呈阳性,占33%。初步结果表明,血标本中HCMV DNA检出率比尿标本检出率高26%。标记的^(32)P探针可检测10pg同源DNA,生物素探针可检测50Pg同源DNA,均不与其它疱疹病毒及未感染的人胚肺细胞DNA杂交。将其中26份血标本的HCMV DNA杂交结果与抗HCMV IgM ELISA检测结果相比较,符合率为65%。
Human cytomegaiovirus(HCMV)DNA in clinical blood and urine specimens of 27 infant patients infected with hepatitis were detected by DNA-DNA dot blot hybridization using ^(32)P and biotin labeled cloned HCMV AD169 DNA fragment. The hybridization results of blood and urine specimens were compared 16 of 27 blood specimens were pesitive(59%). Of 27 urine specimens, 9 were positive (33%). The preliminary results indicate that the positive rate of HCMV DNA in blood specimens is 26% higher than that in urine specimens by DNA-DNA hybridizaten. The ^(32)P Jaleied HCMV DNA probe can detect 10 pg of homologous DNA, and biotinylated HCMV DNA probe can detect 50 pg of homologous DNA. Both of them fail to hybridize to DNA extracted from other herpesviruses or uninfected human embryonic lung(HEL)cells. The results of HCMV DNA-DNA hybridization of 26 blood specimens were compared with that of ELISA of anti-HCMV IgM. The agreement of detected results for the two methods was 65%.
Human cytomegalovirus ^(32)P-labeled probe Biotinlabeled probe DNA-DNA hybridization Anti-HCMV IgM