Objective: By observing the etiology, clinical characters, treatment and prognosis of on the near- term infants who were sufferting from severe neonatal respiratory distress syndrome ( NRDS), we aim to improve the cure rate as well as decrease the morbidity of near - term infants NRDS. Methods : This study selected 524 infants from January 2008 to December 2010 who were diagnosed respiratory distress as the object of study, and put the 224 near - term infant as observation group while the early preterm infants and term infants as two control groups, and compared the age, the Mother pregnancy complications,the premature rupture time of membrane, the delivery mode, the 1 rain apgar score, the birth weight, the ease numbers of applying CPAP, mechanical ventilation and pulmonary surfaetant, the hospital stays, the recent applications such as air leak, patent ductus arteriosus, intracranial hemorrhage, persistent pulmonary hypertension ( PPH), periventrieular leukomalaeia and their prognosis. Results: Regarding the etiology of respiratory distress, it is mainly wet lung and NRDS for the nearterm infants, NRDS for the early preterm infants, asphyxia and pneumonia for the term infants . Regarding the complications, it is mainly intraeranial hemorrhage for the early preterm infants, air leak and PPH for the near-term infants, hypoxie isehemie eneephalopathy (HIE) for the term infants. Conclusion: Comparing to the early preterm infants and term infants, the nearterm infants have different etiology, therapeutic method and complications on respiratory distress. The near - term infants have higher morbidity and mortality, and should be attached with high attention clinically.
Journal of Taishan Medical College
near- term Infant
early preterm Infant
term Infant
respiratory distress