
茶藨属植物遗传变异和亲缘关系ISSR标记与表型分析 被引量:3

Genetic variation and relationships of Ribes species based on ISSR markers and morphological characters
摘要 采用ISSR标记和表型特性分析对茶属植物的遗传变异和亲缘关系进行分析。结果表明,12个ISSR引物共扩增出125条谱带,所有条带都具有多态性,平均Nei's基因多样性和Shannon's信息指数分别为0.257和0.413。13个茶属植物的相似性系数为24.66%~82.05%,在阈值为58%处,共分为5组。7个茶属植物的表型遗传变异为0.17%~28.60%,长白茶的可溶性固形物、可溶性蛋白、单宁和果实黄酮类物质含量最高,东北茶具有较高的维生素C,并且这两个种同黑穗醋栗、红穗醋栗和醋栗分别聚在不同的组,亲缘关系较远,因此长白茶和东北茶可作为穗醋栗和醋栗育种的重要资源。 Ribes inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers generated were tested for their ability to distinguish among samples of 13 Ribes cultivars. A total 125 alleles were detected by 12 primers. Nei's gene diversity and Shannon's information index were 0.257 and 0.413, respectively. The ISSR analysis data showed the similarities ranged from 24.66% to 82.05% among 13 Ribes species. Cluster analysis showed that 13 Ribes species divided into five groups at 58% level of similarity coefficient. The morphological identification showed that variance ranged from 0.17% to 28.60% for seven Ribes species. R. komarovii A. Pojark was the highest in contents of soluable solids, protein, tannin, and fruit flavonoid. R. mandshuricum Kon was the highest in contents of Vitamin C. R. komarovii A. Pojark and R. mandshuricum Kon were lower in genetic relationship among three cultivated species R. nigrum L. (blackcurrant), R. rubrum L (redcurrant) and JR. grossularia L. (gooseberry). We could speculate JR. komarovii A. Pojark and JR. mandshuricum Kon have the potential application in currant and gooseberry breeding program.
出处 《东北农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第10期85-90,共6页 Journal of Northeast Agricultural University
基金 公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201103037) 吉林省科技发展计划项目(20080713) 吉林省教育厅"十一五"科研项目(2008309)
关键词 茶属 ISSR 遗传变异 亲缘关系 Ribes ISSR genetic variation genetic relationship
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