

On"Post-Holacaust Consciousness"in E.L.Doctorow's Fiction
摘要 国内外学界对E.L.多克托罗小说之研究多从政治、宗教、后现代艺术技巧、新历史主义及新现实主义等视角进行阐释,而对其小说中的"大屠杀后意识"则少有人问津。其实,多克托罗小说皆渗透着浓厚的"大屠杀后意识",可称之为"大屠杀后意识"小说。在千禧年前",大屠杀后意识"主要以大屠杀隐喻方式渗入其小说文本之中,而其后之作如《上帝之城》等则通过对大屠杀之显性在场的描写,揭示其对纳粹屠犹之深层反思。E.L.多克托罗小说中的"大屠杀后意识"凸显其对大屠杀创伤及其影响之关注,更表达其对犹太民族乃至整个人类命运之关注和人类道德之关怀。 Scholars at home and abroad expound E. L. Doctorow's fiction mainly in terms ot polmcs, religion, post-modern art, neo-historicism and neo-realism, but few make inquires into "Post-Holocaust Consciousness" in his fiction. In fact, his novels are all saturated with strong "Post-Holocaust Consciousness" and can be called "Post-Holocaust Consciousness" novels. Before the millennium, "Post-Holocaust Consciousness" penetrates into his fictional texts as a metaphor while his subsequent works such as "City of God", by describing the dominant presence of the Holocaust, show his profound reflections on the Nazi Holocaust of the Jews. "Post-Holocaust Consciousness" in E. L. Doctorow's fiction highlights his concerns for the Holocaust trauma and impacts, more importantly, for the destinies of the Jews, even the Human Being, and for human morality.
作者 李顺春
出处 《江苏技术师范学院学报》 2012年第6期39-43,共5页 Journal of Jiangsu Teachers University of Technology
基金 江苏省教育厅2012年度高校哲学社会科学研究基金项目"历史与记忆--E.L.多克托罗‘大屠杀后意识’小说研究"(编号:2012SJD750031) 2011年度江苏省社会科学研究基金项目"美国新现实主义小说研究"(编号:11WWD016) 2011年度江苏技术师范学院基础及应用基础研究基金项目"美国新现实主义文学研究"(编号:KYY11059)
关键词 E L 多克托罗 小说 大屠杀 大屠杀后意识 E. L. Doctorow fiction the Holocasut "Post-Holocaust Consciousness"
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