
欧盟航空碳税及其国际影响 被引量:5

EU Aviation Carbon Tax and Its International Influences
摘要 根据当前欧盟征收国际航空碳税政策的国际环境,介绍欧盟航空碳税的历史沿革、具体政策、二氧化碳排放监测方法,就各国反应及其国际影响进行分析。欧盟航空碳税可能会导致全球航空业成本增加,并最终转嫁给消费者;欧盟航空碳税对发达国家航空公司影响较小,而对发展中国家的航空公司影响较大。鉴于欧盟航空碳税对中国航空业的影响,建议尽早制定相关的碳排放标准,维护中国应有的发展权与话语权。 Based on the present international situation that the EU's policy for imposing carbon emission tax on international aviation will take effect formally, the evolution and specific policies are introduced, and methods for monitoring carbon emissions as well as the intemational influences are discussed. EU aviation carbon tax might increase the costs of global aviation, and ultimately will be transferred to consumers. EU aviation carbon tax will have little effect on the airline companies of developed countries, but much effect on those of developing countries. It is recommended that China should develop related standards for carbon emissions as soon as possible, so as to safeguard the rights of development and speaking.
出处 《气候变化研究进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期292-296,共5页 Climate Change Research
基金 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项"应对气候变化的碳收支认证及相关问题"(XDA05150100)
关键词 欧盟 航空碳税 碳排放 排放配额 EU aviation carbon tax carbon emissions emission allowance
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