
计算多层墙体响应系数的频域回归方法 被引量:8

Frequency Domain Regression Method to Calculate Response Factors of Multilayer Walls
摘要 基于墙体热传导的理论频率响应提出了计算多层墙体响应系数的频域回归方法 .首先在所要关心的频率范围内计算出总的传导矩阵的频率响应 ;然后求解线性方程组得到墙体内外表面吸热及传热的简单的多项式 s-传递函数 ,该多项式传递函数与双曲型 s-传递函数在频率特性上是等价的 ;最后由多项式传递函数计算出墙体的响应系数 .实例验证表明 ,该方法非常简单高效 ,计算精度高、速度快 . Frequency domain regression(FDR) method is developed to calculate the response factors of multilayer walls in this paper.This method is based on the theoretical frequency characteristics of transient heat conduction through a building construction to estimate a simple polyminial s transfer function.The simple polynomial s transfer function is completely equivalent to the hyperbolic s transfer function of the wall in terms of frequency characteristics.First,the frequency characteristics of the total transmission matrix are calculated within the frequency range concerned.Then,a set of linear equations is solved to yield a simple polynomial s transfer function for internal,cross and external heat conduction,respectively.Finally,the wall response factors are obtained simply by applying inverse Laplace transforms on the polynomial s transfer function.The comparisons and validations show that this method is very simple and efficient,and has high accuracy and fast computative speed.
出处 《湖南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 2000年第5期71-77,共7页 Journal of Hunan University:Natural Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金!资助项目 ( 595780 0 4 ) 香港理工大学资助项目! ( G.S869)
关键词 频域回归 多层墙体 响应系数 热传导 函数计算 FDR method multilayer wall response factors
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