
海水仔稚鱼微粒饲料微观形态和水中稳定性的比较研究 被引量:2

Comparative Study on the Microscopic Morphology and Water Stability of Marine Fish Larvae Diets Produced with Different Methods
摘要 采用不同的方法制备海水仔稚鱼微粒饲料,并对其微观形态和水中稳定性进行分析比较。锐孔凝固浴法制备的微胶囊饲料粒径较大,表面粗糙、凹陷,有许多裂缝;流化床方法制备的微胶囊饲料形状不规则,表面有一层光滑一致的包衣膜,氮保留率为52.2%;挤出滚圆-流化床方法制备的微胶囊饲料为近似的球形,结构较为致密,表面为一层均匀一致的包衣膜,氮保留率为43.9%;喷雾干燥法制备的微胶囊饲料为近似的球形,表面有皱褶和凹陷,氮保留率为36.0%;挤出-破碎法制备的微黏饲料形状不规则,结构较致密,氮保留率为23.6%;筛分法制备的微黏饲料形态不规则,原料杂乱的黏合在一起,氮保留率为15.2%。结果显示,流化床方法和挤出滚圆-流化床法更适合制备海水仔稚鱼微胶囊饲料。 The microscopic morphology and water stability of microparticle diets prepared with different methods Were compared in this study. The diet prepared with pore-coagulation bath method was relatively large in diameter and rough and depression and small crack scattering on surface under scanning electronic microscope (SEM). The diet prepared with fluidized bed coating method was irregular in shape and smoothly coated outside. The diet prepared with extrusion-spheronization and fluidized bed coating meth- od appeared spherical in shape and dense in strcture and smoothly coated outside. The diet prepared with spray-drying method was nearly spherical in shape and depression and ripple scattering on surface. The di- et prepared with extrusion-crumble method was irregular in shape and dense in structure. The diet pre-pared with sieve method was irregularly and coarsely shaped. The highest nitrogen retention rate (52.2%) was found in diet prepared with fluidized bed coating method;while the lowest (15.2%) was found in diet prepared with sieve method. The diets prepared with fluidized bed coating method and extru-sion-spheronization and fluidized bed coating method were the most suitable for marine fish larvae.
出处 《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期55-61,共7页 Periodical of Ocean University of China
基金 浙江省博士后科研择优资助项目 舟山市普陀区科学技术局科技项目 浙江省海水增养殖重点实验室开放基金项目资助
关键词 海水仔稚鱼 微黏饲料 微胶囊饲料 微观形态 水中稳定性 marine fish larvae microbound diet microencapsulated diet microscopic morphology wa-ter stability
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