
金莲花总黄酮分散片处方工艺优选 被引量:5

Optimization of Prescription Technology for Nasturtium Total Flavonoids Dispersible Tablets
摘要 目的:优选金莲花总黄酮分散片的处方工艺。方法:采用单因素试验考察润滑剂、填充剂、黏合剂及崩解剂;以崩解时限为指标,通过正交试验考察微晶纤维素,内加交联聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVPPXL-10),外加交联聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVPPXL)及聚乙二醇6000(PEG 6000)质量对金莲花总黄酮分散片的处方工艺的影响。结果:金莲花总黄酮分散片的最佳处方工艺为选择微晶纤维素为填充剂,PEG 6000为润滑剂,95%乙醇为黏合剂,PVPPXL-10和PVPPXL为崩解剂;金莲花总黄酮干膏粉200 g(50%),微晶纤维素148.48 g(37.12%),PVPPXL-10 34.09 g(8.52%),PVPPXL 11.36 g(2.84%),PEG 60006.06 g(1.52%),制成1 000片。制得的药片崩解时限均<3 min,片重0.4 g,药片在3 min内崩解物能通过2号筛,均匀性符合规定。结论:优选的处方工艺稳定可行,具有很好的可追溯性,为制定金莲花总黄酮分散片的质量标准提供实验依据。 Objective: To optimize prescription technology of nasturtium total flavonoids dispersible tablets. Method: Single factor test was used to investigate lubricants, fillers, adhesion agents and disintegration agents;With disintegration time as index, orthogonal test was used to optimize prescription technology of nasturtium total flavonoids dispersible tablets with quality of MC, PVPPXL-10, PEG 6000 and PVPPXL as factor. Result: Optimum prescription process was as following:with MC as fillers, PEG 6000 as lubricants, 95% ethanol as adhesion agents, PVPPXL-10 and PVPPXL as disintegration agents;Dry cream powder of total flavonoids from Trollius chinensis 200 g(50%), MC 148.48 g(37.12%), PVPPXL-10 34.09 g(8.52%), PVPPXL 11.36 g(2.84%), PEG 6000 6.06 G(1.52%), made of 1 000 tablets.Disintegration time of these prepared tablets were less than 3 min, tablet weight 0.4 g, tablets disintegrate within 3 min were through the 2nd sieve, uniformity qualified compliance. Conclusion: This prescription process was stable and feasible with good traceability, it could provide experimental basis for quality standard of nasturtium total flavonoids dispersible tablets.
出处 《中国实验方剂学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第6期8-11,共4页 Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae
基金 国家科技部支撑计划项目(2011DAI07B04)
关键词 金莲花 总黄酮 制备工艺 分散片 Trollius chinensis total flavonoids preparation technology dispersible tablets
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