
A Characterization for Dominant Strategy Implementation

A Characterization for Dominant Strategy Implementation
摘要 We introduce a perfect price discriminating mechanism for allocation prob- lems with private information. A perfect price discriminating mechanism treats a seller, for example, as a perfect price discriminating monopolist who faces a price schedule that does not depend on her report. In any perfect price discriminating mechanism, every player has a dominant strategy to truthfully report her private infor- mation. We establish a characterization for dominant strategy implementation: Any outcome that can be dominant strategy implemented can also be dominant strategy implemented using a perfect price discriminating mechanism. We apply this charac- terization to derive the optimal, budget-balanced, dominant strategy mechanisms for public good provision and bilateral bargaining. We introduce a perfect price discriminating mechanism for allocation prob- lems with private information. A perfect price discriminating mechanism treats a seller, for example, as a perfect price discriminating monopolist who faces a price schedule that does not depend on her report. In any perfect price discriminating mechanism, every player has a dominant strategy to truthfully report her private infor- mation. We establish a characterization for dominant strategy implementation: Any outcome that can be dominant strategy implemented can also be dominant strategy implemented using a perfect price discriminating mechanism. We apply this charac- terization to derive the optimal, budget-balanced, dominant strategy mechanisms for public good provision and bilateral bargaining.
出处 《Frontiers of Economics in China-Selected Publications from Chinese Universities》 2013年第1期1-18,共18页 中国高等学校学术文摘·经济学(英文版)
关键词 perfect price discriminating (PPD) dominant strategy implementation Vickrey-Clarke-Groves mechanisms public good provision bilateral bargaining perfect price discriminating (PPD), dominant strategy implementation,Vickrey-Clarke-Groves mechanisms, public good provision, bilateral bargaining
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