
心理资本、创新气氛与创新行为关系研究进展 被引量:10

Research Progress Review On Psychological Capital,Climate for Innovation and Innovative Behavior
摘要 回顾目前已有的关于心理资本、创新气氛与创新行为的概念内涵、结构与测量等方面的研究,分析以上三者之间的关系,阐明创新气氛与心理资本对创新行为的交互效应,建立以创新气氛为调节变量的跨层次理论模型并提出若干研究命题。指出该领域在作用机制研究、团队层次与跨层次相关研究以及本土化研究等方面存在的不足,指明未来的研究方向。 The paper first reviews the construction and measurement of psychological capital, climate for innovation and innovative behavior. And then it analyzes the relationship, depicts the interactive effect between psychological capital and climate for innovation on innovative behavior, develops a cross - level theoretical model based on the moderating role of climate for innovation and proposes several research propositions. Finally, it points out the existing limitations in action mechanism research, team level and cross - level research as well as indigenous study, and at last indicates the direction for future research.
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期9-13,共5页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目"组织情境 知识管理能力与开放式创新绩效的关联性研究"(11YJA630199) 浙江省社科规划之江青年课题"浙江民营企业知识管理能力与开放式创新绩效关联性研究"(11ZJQN 005YB)
关键词 心理资本 创新行为 创新气氛 理论模型 psychological capital climate for innovation innovative behavior theoretical model
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