
人工合成小麦对白粉病的抗性评价 被引量:4

Assessment of reaction to powdery mildew in synthetic wheat
摘要 本研究利用我国不同地区的20个小麦白粉菌菌株对28份合成小麦材料进行抗病性评价,并利用与基因连锁的分子标记检测这些合成小麦中Pm2抗白粉病基因。在供试的合成小麦材料中,C7、C14和C2分别抗14~16个菌株,另有6份材料能抗10个以上菌株,C16和C20不抗任何菌株。来自相同杂交组合的材料抗病性表现有很大不同。根据分子检测的结果,C9和C19的扩增片段与Pm2基因相同,但是抗谱分析表明这两个合成小麦对白粉菌的反应型与Pm2基因不同。 This study was conducted to assess reactions of 28 synthetic wheat accesmons to zo i- solates of Blurneria gramins (DC.) f. sp. tritici E. O. Speer, the causal agent of powdery mil- dew in wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ). The gene-specific marker Xcfd81 was used to detect gene Prng for resistance to powdery mildew. Among the synthetic wheat accessions tested, ac- cessions C7, C14, and C2 were resistant to 14- 16 isolates, and another 6 accessions were re- sistant to more than 10 isolates. Accessions C16 and C20 were susceptible to all of isolates test- ed. Different reactions to powdery mildew were observed in the synthetic accessions derived from the same crosses. Accessions C9 and C19 produced the same amplification results as Prrd, but the reactions of these synthetic accessions differed from that of Pro2.
出处 《河北农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期6-10,共5页 Journal of Hebei Agricultural University
基金 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项(20105) 国家小麦产业技术体系专项(CARS-3-1) 国家转基因生物新品种培育科技部重大专项(2009ZX08002-006B)的资助
关键词 合成小麦 白粉病 抗病基因 synthetic wheat powdery mildew resistance gene
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