
缩小差距:新近加拿大联邦政府原住民教育政策的主题 被引量:2

Closing the Gap:The Theme of Current Aboriginal Education Policy in Canada
摘要 加拿大原住民教育在经历了同化、融合、斗争的阶段后终于走向了原住民自治与政府合作相结合的发展轨道。然而,原住民教育的发展速度并没有跟上现代社会的要求,原住民与非原住民的教育-成就差距进一步扩大。于是,促进教育公平、缩小原住民与非原住民的教育-成就差距,越来越成为加拿大原住民教育和加拿大教育的主题。综合近来联邦层面的政策报告、重要的会议纪要及相关研究,加拿大针对缩小差距这一主题在教育政策上主要关注三个方面,即,合作与职权划分、能力与权力匹配、经验与成果共享。 After periods of assimilation, integration and resistance, the aboriginal education in Canada has finally got itself on the track of collaboration between the aboriginal autonomy and the federal government. However, the current situation of aboriginal education still not fulfills the re- quirement of the developing society. Even, the gap between the aboriginals and non - aboriginals is widening, greatly challenging the social policy in Canada. Thus, closing the gap and enhance the equity becomes the theme of current aboriginal education policy as well as the federal education policy in Canada. Through examining the newest policy reports and related research, this paper further introduces and analysis three aspects of the education policy under the theme of closing the gap; includes sharing responsibility and accountability, balancing ability and authority, sharing experience and achievements.
作者 张越 常永才
出处 《全球教育展望》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期120-128,共9页 Global Education
基金 国家社会科学基金"十一五"规划2010年度教育学科国家重点课题--"主要国家民族教育政策的比较研究"(项目编号:AD100008)阶段性研究成果
关键词 加拿大教育政策 教育公平 原住民教育 教育-成就差距 education policy in Canada education equity aboriginal education education - a- chievement gap
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