The Country-of-Origin effects of FDI have recently attracted considerable attention, from both a theoretical and an empirical perspective. FDI from different countries acts differently in three ways. First, their entry motivation varies. FDI from non-Chinese western source countries targets domestic huge market, while FDI from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan ( HMT for short) tries to utilize cheap labor force. Second, investment sizes are different. The average FDI project size invested by HMT firms is relatively lager than those invested by non-Chinese western firms. Third, their own advantages are also unique. Western firms focus more on technology than HMT firm does. Furthermore, different FDI may choose different organization forms when they enter Chinese market, such as joint venture companies, cooperate companies and individual proprietorship companies. That means the seemingly exogenous organization form of FDI is actually endogenous. From these perspectives, we expect FDI from different source countries may spillover their productivity differently, which motives this study. The goal of the paper is to address the concerns described above and find out in what way FDI affects local firms. By employing a micro-level Chinese manufacturing firm data over the period of 1998 - 2007, we first formally test the endogeneity of FDI share ratio and its endogenous chosen on organization forms following Hausman test procedure. To correct the bias aroused by employing OLS method, following existing studies, we select one-period lagged FDI share ratio as an instrument variable, and then estimate our models using Two-Stage OLS (2SLS)to get unbiased results. Also,for robustness check, we use another different measure of total factor productivity (TFP)to run the regressions, the results remain unchanged. The main findings of this paper can be described as follows. First ,the heterogeneity of FDI in terms of their origin has different impacts on domestic firms' productivity, and this impact varies across ownerships, from state-owned firms to private firms. For state-owned firms, the entry of western FDI and HMT' s FDI significantly enhance their productivity. But this law doesn' t hold for private firms, the entry of western FDI does not improve, in fact, it decreases private firms' productivity. The entry of HMT' s FDI, however, benefits private firms significantly. Second, the spillover effect of FDI also varies by means of FDI' s different organization forms. Those who choose joint venture form have the deepest influence on domestic firms' productivity. Cooperation form FDI spillovers more for stateowned firms, but individual proprietorship FDI impacts private firms heavier than it does to state-owned firms. These results have profound implications on both theory of FDI and policies related to FDI regulation. First, empirical results indicate that it does matter where FDI comes from. Our results support the idea that HMT' s FDI spill- over more than western FDI,indieating that, we should emphasis more on attracting more HMT FDI. Cultural similarity helps domestic firms to absorb their productivity spillover. Second, the target of our FDI policy today is to attract more and more FDI, but in order to make sure they can benefit local firms, we need to guide, interrupt and regulate FDI' s organization form when making FDI related policies. Currently, the organization form regulation is only found in natural resource industries and industries strategically crucial to country safety, in fact, it also relates to productiv- ity. Third, the degree of regulation should be different according to their source countries. The focus of regulation of FDI should be on western firms who choose individual proprietorship form when entering. And finally, this paper of- fers a framework on the combination of FDI' s origin and domestic firms with different ownership structure. Generally, western FDI plus domestic state-owned firms and HMT FDI combine domestic private firms will perform better.
Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
manufacturing industry
FDI' s origin
organization form
productivity spillover