
不同创新组合情境下的组织学习与竞争优势 被引量:3

Competitive Advantages and Organizational Learning under different Innovation Portfolios
摘要 本文通过实证研究检验了不同创新组合下企业竞争优势和组织学习特征差异。研究结果表明,组织内部学习水平强度更可能受管理创新的影响,技术创新对内部学习程度的影响较管理创新小;很大程度上,管理创新对内部实践学习的影响更大,注重管理创新的企业的内部实践学习水平要比只关注技术创新的企业内部实践学习水平高;企业只从事高管理创新或只从事高技术创新,对知识利用程度的提升并不明显。此外,研究结果强调了企业同时从事管理创新和技术创新将有利于提升组织学习水平和获取长期竞争优势,单一地关注某种创新不利于组织学习能力提升和长期竞争优势建立。本文研究结论有利于系统认识组织学习、创新组合、竞争优势建立的过程,对转型经济体制下企业有效管理创新,提升组织学习能力,适应外部动态环境并提升长期竞争优势具有重要的理论和实践价值。 Given the increasing market competition,many firms have paid more attentiion to innovation. However, because of lacking systematic recognization and knowledge about innovation porfolios and process, many firms cannot win sustain competitive advantages. Although current literature highlighted dual core innovation including technologic innovation and administrative innovatioin which be stressed as important roles in impacting organizational strategy, structure, and performance. A main stream suggested that orgnizational learning are positively associated with organizational innovation, and they are dependent on each other. Further, emperimental learning as an important way of learning has been indica- ted that it will facilitate firms' internal learning, internal practices, and knowledge utilization in order to help firms win competitive advantage. However, current literature mainly focused on how organizational emperimental learning impacts innovation and competitive advantage,little research paid attention to that what is the difference of emperimental learning and competitive advantage among different dual core innovation portfolios. To capture these theoretical gaps, this paper address two key questions : ( 1 ) what the difference of organiztional emperimental learning is and the process that innovation impacting learning among different innovation portfolios; (2)under different porfolios, what is the difference of firms' competitive advantage and process? Based on the research questions,this paper construct 2 * 2 innovaton portfolios matrix according to dual core innovtions to examine the difference of emperimental learning and competitive advantage. Using the samples of 607 manufactering firms in China,we compare inter-group difference to test the 12 hypothesises. The results indicated that six hypothesises were supported, four hypothesises were partial supported, and two hypothesises were not supported. Based on these results,this study will make some important theoretical contri- butions. First, the results on emperimental learning suggest that internal learning and internal practices are positively impacted by administrative innovation; knowledge utlization can not be improved by either administrative innovation or technologic innovation; simultaneous dual core innovation will positively improve organizational emperimental learning level. The results identfy the difference of emperimental learning in different innovation portfolios and open the black box of evolution between learning and innovation, thus contributing to organiztional learning and dual core innovation theories. Second, the results on competitive advantage suggest that dual core innovation will positive fa- cilitate firms' competitive advantage closely related to internal learning, whearas individual innovation may help firms establish short advantage but rather long-term comeptitive advantage. The conclusions identfy how to win comeptitive advantage by dual core innovation rather than single innovation suggested by existing literature. The results, therefore, contribute to innovation and comeptitive advantage literature. Besides, the paper implies some important managerial implications. For examples, managers considering the improvement of organizational learning need to pay more attentiion to dual core innovation rather than only efforts on some innovation. Managers must seriously cognize the difference of learning in different innovation portfolios, or said, single innovation can not improve whole level of organiztional learning but some learning dimensions such as internal learning and practices. Futher,managers must allocate reasonably resouces according to firms' learning goals to simultaneously improve dual core innovation,but both innovation need be interacted and intersected improvement because of scarce resources. In futer research,this paper will use a longitudinal approach with other industries samples to increase the reliability of these empirical findings. Meanwhile, this paper will consider introduceing acqusitive learning into the framework to compare current conclusions in order to enrich and extend our research.
作者 沈灏 魏泽龙
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期54-63,共10页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"基于开放式学习的创新能力构建对新兴技术创新的影响机理研究"(71102096)
关键词 创新组合 管理创新 技术创新 竞争优势 组织学习 innovation portfolios administrative innovation technological innovation competitive advantages organizational learning
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