
中小企业开放式创新能力与创新绩效的关系研究 被引量:47

Research on the Relationship Between Open Innovation Capability and Innovation Performance in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
摘要 以中小企业为研究对象,将开放式创新能力分解为发明能力、吸收能力、变革能力、连接能力、创新能力和解吸能力,运用结构方程建模实证检验了上述各种能力对创新绩效的影响.研究表明,发明能力、吸收能力、连接能力和创新能力对中小企业的创新绩效具有显著正向影响,而变革能力和解吸能力对创新绩效的影响不显著.当前中小企业开放式创新体现出一定的由外而内的特征,但各项能力的发展不均衡;与内部探索相比,更侧重于外部探索;内部保留和外部开发成为当前中小企业开放式创新的能力短板;连接能力的作用更多地体现在销售环节,而不是研发环节.最后,指出未来研究的方向. The eapabilities of open innovation are classified into inventive, absorptive, transformative, connective, in- novative and desorptive capabilities. The impact on innovation performance exerted by various capabilities in SMEs are tested by the structural equation model. The results indicate that inventive, absorptive, connective and innovative capa- bilities have positive impacts on innovation performance, while the impact of transformative and desorptive capabilities is not obvious. The trend of inbound innovation is found in the open innovation of SMEs, but these capabilities develop in an imbalanced way. Compared with internal exploration, external exploration becomes the main way of open innova- tion in SMEs. Internal knowledge retention and external knowledge exploitation are two disadvantages in the process of open innovation for SMEs. Connective capability plays a more important role in sales than in R&D. Finally, it points out the direction of future research.
作者 陈艳 范炳全
出处 《研究与发展管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期24-35,共12页 R&D Management
基金 敦育部人文社会科学研究青年基金资助项目"颠覆性创新与我国中小企业动态竞争优势的构建"(09YJC790124)
关键词 中小企业 开放式创新 能力 创新绩效 small and medium-sized enterprise open innovation capability innovation performance
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