

Globalization and Domestic Politics:Policy Convergence or Divergence?A Comparative Study of the Tax Policies of Four States
摘要 全球化会使得各国政策趋于一致吗?国内政治在这一过程中扮演何种角色?税收政策是审视国内政治与国际环境交互作用的最佳视角之一。增值税作为全球化时代兴起的新税种,既不会扭曲市场,又能增加国家财政收入,但是为什么国家运用增值税的政策并没有趋同?通过对中国、印度、美国和日本四国的比较研究发现,全球化对于国内税收政策的确有趋同的压力,但是由于各国对国际市场依赖程度以及对地方政府控制能力的不同,各国运用税收政策存在显著差异。 Will globalization result in a convergence in domestic policies across the world? What is the role of domestic politics in this process? Tax policy is one of the best cases for considering the interaction between domestic politics and the in- ternational environment. Specifically with respect to value added tax, which is a new form of tax that has been introduced as the process of globalization continues, not only does it not distort markets, it further can increase a state' s fiscal reve- nue. While so, why is it the case that there is no convergence in the way that states apply value added tax? Based on comparative research of China, India, the United States and Japan, this paper finds that globalization does generate pressure for a convergence in domestic tax policies, but as states vary in their dependence on the international market and have different levels of control over local govern- ment, significant differences in application of tax policies emerge across states.
作者 叶静
出处 《南亚研究》 CSSCI 2013年第1期79-93,共15页 South Asian Studies
基金 对外经济贸易大学校级科研课题"中国中央一地方相对财政能力变迁的政治逻辑"系列研究成果之一 批准号11QD19
关键词 全球化 国内政治 增值税 Globalization Domestic Politics Value Added Tax
  • 相关文献


  • 1Alfred Stepan, "Liberal - Pluralist, Classic Marxist, and ' Organic - Statist' Approaches to the State," in Alfred Stepan, The State and Society: Peru in Comparative Perspective ( Princeton : Princeton Uni- versity Press, 1978) ,pp. 3 -45.
  • 2Junko Kato, Regressive Taxation and the Welfare State: Path De- pendence and Policy Diffusion (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2003 ).
  • 3John L. Campbell, "Fiscal Sociology in an Age of Globalization: Comparing Tax Regimes in Ad- vanced Capitalist Countries, " in Victor Nee and Richard Swedberg eds. , The Economic Sociology of Capital- /sm( Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2005 ), pp. 107 - 139. 2010, pp. 304 - 328.
  • 4Cameron G. Thies, " Public Violence and State Building in Central America," Comparative Political Studies, No. 39, Issue 10, 2006, pp. 1263 - 1282.
  • 5巴里-诺顿.《中国经济:转型与增长》(安佳译),第349页.
  • 6Austin Hart, "Death of the Partisan? Globalization and Taxation in South America, 1990 -2006," Comparative Political Studies, No. 43, Issue 3,.
  • 7Duane Swank and Sven Steinmo, "The New Political Economy of Taxation in Advanced Capitalist Democracies, " American Journal of Political Science, No. 46, Issue 3, 2002, pp. 642 - 655.
  • 8International Monetary Fund, Government Finance Statistics Yearbook ( Washing- ton, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2012).
  • 9See Erik Wibbels and Moises Arce, "Glo-balization, Taxation, and Burden - Shifting in Latin America," International Organization, No. 57, Issue 1, 2003, pp. 111 -136.
  • 10See Miguel Angel Centeno, Blood and Debt : War and the Nation - State in Latin America ( University Park : The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2002 ).


  • 1IBFD 2006, European VAT Database.
  • 2Henry J. Aaron and Joseph A. Pechman, 1981,How Taxes Affect Economic Behavior,The Brookings institution Washington D. C.
  • 3Bernard Salanie, 2002, The Economic of Taxation The MIT Press.
  • 4关于印度增值税改革的情况来自http://www.stvat.ccom
  • 51993年11月1日《欧洲联盟条约》
  • 6Eenst & Young, 1993, VAT & EXCISE A Taxpayer' s Guide to Indirect Taxation in the Single Market.








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