
德国的“欧元保卫战”——国际货币权力的维护与扩张 被引量:10

Germany's Defense of Euro——Maintaining and Expanding the International Monetary Power
摘要 欧元区并没有如许多主流经济学家所预测的那样在欧洲主权债务危机的重压下走向解体。上述判断失误的主要原因在于,将欧元看做是一般经济学意义上完全自发地产生于市场的货币,从纯市场原则来分析和预测欧元的走势。但现实中的欧元是典型的"国家间政治"的产物,其中最大的赢家就是德国。它虽然放弃已是世界第二大储备货币的马克,却依托欧元获取了欧盟内部最具含金量的权力——国际货币权力。因此,欧元对德国而言是其核心国家利益。欧债危机期间,德国为维护自己的核心国家利益发起了一场"欧元保卫战",避免了欧元区的解体。正是因为这场"欧元保卫战"背后存在复杂的政治逻辑,德国在欧债危机中的应对措施及其承担的角色使其备受瞩目,同时又饱受质疑且充满争议。 Contrary to the forecast of a number of mainstream economists,the eurozone has not collapsed under the pressure of the European sovereign debt crisis.The core reason for their wrong judgment lies in the assumption that the euro has emerged as a completely natural product of the market in a general economic sense and in their analysis of the euro only from the market principles.However,the euro in reality was born as a typical result of the 'politics among nations',for which,Germany has become the biggest winner.Although Germany gave up its own D-Mark,the then second most important reserve currency in the world,it obtained a kind of power of great value in the EU,namely the international monetary power,which determines that euro is,for Germany,a core national interest rather than a kind of currency.It is just for this reason that Germany has launched a 'defense of euro' to prevent the collapse of the eurozone.However,the complicated political logic behind it has led to the role of Germany in the European debt crisis as a focus of both attention and question.
作者 赵柯
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期64-86,157-158,共23页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
基金 教育部 国务院学位委员会2011年度博士研究生学术新人奖资助
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