
基于基底细胞癌的太赫兹波光谱分析 被引量:3

Analysis of Terahertz-Wave Spectroscopy for Basal Cell Carcinoma Tissue
摘要 获得了基底细胞癌变组织的太赫兹(THz)光谱和图像,并进行了组织病理学的分析。采用太赫兹时域光谱技术,对石蜡包埋的基底细胞癌组织进行透射式实验研究,获得了透过率和吸收系数的光谱,并利用癌变组织和健康组织区分度明显的1.3THz的吸收系数进行成像得到了与宏观组织较符合的THz图像。从组织病理学的角度阐述了太赫兹谱线及图像的成因,结合生物大分子的THz光谱,分别讨论了细胞密度、DNA的含量、水化作用对太赫兹光谱和成像的影响。实验结果表明:癌变组织与健康组织相比对THz吸收较多。太赫兹光谱和成像技术有望用于术前基底细胞癌的轮廓诊断。 Spectra and images of basal cell histopathology. Choosing the Basal Cell Carcinoma carcinoma were obtained and analyzed based on (BCC) tissue embedded in paraffin as the sample, the transmittance and absorption coefficient spectrum were obtained based on terahertz time domain spectroscopy system. Then THz imaging was performed at 1. 3 THz, which reached a maximum coefficient. ,and compared with the histological features detected by microscopy. From the perspective of histopathology,the effect of tissue/cell density,content of DNA and hydration on terahertz imaging was analyzed. The experimental results show that: cancer region showed higher absorption than normal region. Intraoperative delineation of non-melanoma skin cancers using terahertz spectroscopy and imaging is feasible.
出处 《光谱实验室》 CAS 2013年第2期546-549,共4页 Chinese Journal of Spectroscopy Laboratory
基金 国家自然科学基金(60977064) 天津市应用基础及前沿技术研究基金(10JCYBJC01400)
关键词 太赫兹光谱 成像 组织病理学分析 基底细胞癌 Terahertz-Wave Spectroscopy Imaging Histopathology Analysis Basal CellCarcinoma
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