
“Shoah”的词源、内涵及其普及化--一项语义社会学的考察 被引量:4

The Etymology of SHOAH and Its Popularization in the Formative Yearsof Israeli State by the Perspective of Linguistic Sociology Research
摘要 在二战期间及战后初期已被人们用来指称"纳粹灭绝犹太人行动"的词汇分别有"Final Solution"、"Hurban"、"Pogrom"、"Holocaust"等,而源自《希伯来圣经》的"Shoah"一词只是到二战结束后才被赋予特定的内涵,逐渐超越以上诸多词汇发展为犹太集体记忆中指称那场空前大浩劫的主要专有名词;尤其是1953年纳粹屠犹与英雄主义纪念法的通过,标志着该词的最终普及化与正统化。从语义社会学的角度考察"Shoah"一词的概念变迁,该词的内涵更新和广泛普及与以色列的民族国家建构进程相伴相随,因而在创伤记忆国家化的框架中被赋予了强烈的英雄主义色彩。 During the Second World War and lately after, some terms have been used by people to definite "Nazi Extermination of the European Jews", such as "Final Solution", "Hurban", "Pogrom", "Holocaust", etc. While the word SHOAH originated from Hebrew Bible was not been given particular of the Shoah and Heroism passed in 1953 which marked the final popularization and authorization of this word. This article explored the meaning vicissitude of the word SHOAH by the perspective of linguistic sociology research, pointed that it' s meaning renew and widely spread followed with the State -building of Israeli, therefore this word was given the clear feature of heroism in the great frame of nationalization of traumatic memory.
作者 艾仁贵
出处 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期157-165,共9页 Journal of Social Sciences
关键词 “Shoah” 语义社会学 纳粹灭绝犹太人行动 英雄主义 历史记忆 SHOAH Linguistic Sociology Nazi Extermination of the European Jews Heroism Historical Memory
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