
Airtraq喉镜在困难气管插管中的应用 被引量:9

Application of Airtraq laryngoscopes in difficult tracheal intubation
摘要 目的观察Airtraq喉镜用于困难气管插管的临床效果。方法选择择期在经口气管插管全麻下实施整形外科手术的患者30例,ASAⅠ或Ⅱ级,Macintosh喉镜暴露声门Cormack-Le-hane分级Ⅲ或Ⅳ级,常规麻醉诱导后,采用Airtraq喉镜进行气管插管,记录声门暴露时间、插管总时间、插管成功率以及口腔牙齿及软组织损伤、声音嘶哑、呼吸困难等并发症的发生情况;并记录气管插管前、插管即刻以及插管后1、3、5min的SBP、DBP、HR和HR-SBP乘积(RPP)的变化。结果用Airtraq喉镜的声门暴露均为Ⅰ级,插管成功率93.3%,声门显露时间是(13.7±5.9)s,插管总时间是(30.6±10.4)s。Airtraq喉镜插管对血流动力学影响较小,患者均无明显的插管并发症。结论 Airtraq喉镜用于困难气管插管声门暴露容易、损伤小、插管成功率高,对血流动力学影响较小。 Objective To investigate clinical effect of Airtraq laryngoscopes in difficult tracheal intubation. Methods Thirty patients of exposure degree Ⅲ or Ⅳ, ASA Ⅰ or Ⅱ with Macintosh laryngoscopes scheduled for general anesthesia and orthopedic surgery underwent tracheal intubation using an Airtraq laryngoscope. Time of glottis exposure, duration of intubation, success rate and complications such as teeth and soft tissue injure, hoarseness and dyspnea were recorded. SBP, DBP, HR and RPP prior to tracheal intubation, during tracheal intubation, 1 min after tracheal intubation, 3 min after tracheal intubation, and 5 min after tracheal intubation were recorded. Results Glottis exposure with Airtraq laryngoscope were I degree with a high success rate of intubation was 931 3%. Duration of glottis exposure and duration of intubation were (13.7±5.9) s and (30.6± 10. 4) s separately. No significant complications were reported. The Airtraq resulted in less stimulation of haemodynamic state. Conclusion Application of Airtraq laryngoscopes in difficult tracheal intubation provided easy glottis exposure, minor trauma, higher success rate, and few haemodynamic stimulation.
出处 《临床麻醉学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期155-157,共3页 Journal of Clinical Anesthesiology
关键词 AIRTRAQ喉镜 困难气道 气管插管 血流动力学 Airtraq laryngoscope Difficult airway Tracheal intubation Haemodynamic reaction
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