
吸烟与女性乳腺癌发病关系病例对照研究 被引量:7

Relationship between smoking and incidence of female breast cancer:a case-control study
摘要 目的了解吸烟情况与女性乳腺癌发病的关系,为预防乳腺癌提供相关依据。方法采用以医院为基础的1:1病例对照研究方法,对从2009年1月—2012年6月前往沈阳医学院奉天医院、沈洲医院和沈阳市第五人民医院就诊的163例女性乳腺癌患者和同期就诊的163例非肿瘤、非生殖及内分泌系统疾病女性患者进行了相关危险因素问卷调查。结果病例组的主动吸烟、被动吸烟、主动吸烟量大、被动吸烟量大、被动吸烟年限长、怀孕期间吸烟和首次吸烟时<18岁所占比例分别为9.20%、34.36%、5.52%、27.61%、25.15%、23.31%和17.79%,均高于对照组的3.68%、13.49%、1.23%、6.13%、9.20%、5.52%和4.29%(均P<0.05),多因素条件logistic回归分析表明,有肿瘤家族史、遭遇重大生活事件、肥胖、主动吸烟量大、被动吸烟量大及怀孕期间吸烟是女性乳腺癌发病的危险因素。结论主动及被动吸烟量大、孕期吸烟行为可增加女性乳腺癌患病风险。 Objective To study the relationship between smoking and the incidence of female breast cancer and to provide basis for prevention of the disease. Methods With hospital-based 1 : 1 matched case-control design, a question- naire survey was conducted in 163 female breast cancer cases and 163 females with nonturmorous, non-reproductive and endocrine system diseases selected from Fengtian Hospital, Shenzhou Hospital and the Fifth Peopleg Hospital of Shenyang city. Results Significantly higher rates of active smoking (9. 20% ), passive smoking (34. 36% ), heavy active smoking (5.52%) ,high exposure of passive smoking (27.61%), long years of passive smoking (25.15%), smoking during pregnancy(23.31% ),and first smoking at the age of 〈 18 years( 17. 79% ) were observed in the cases compared to those in the control group(3.68% ,13.49% ,1.23% ,6. 13% ,9.20% ,5.52% ,and 4. 29% ; P 〈0.05 for all). Multiple- factor conditional logistic regression analyses indicated that the risk factors of breast cancer included family history of tumor, severe life event,obesity,heavy active smoking,high exposure of passive smoking,and smoking during pregnancy. Conclusion Heavy active and passive smoking and smoking during pregnancy may increase the risk of breast cancer in women.
出处 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期436-438,共3页 Chinese Journal of Public Health
关键词 乳腺癌 女性 吸烟 breast cancer female smoking
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