
论社会学芝加哥学派的历史分期以及理论贡献 被引量:2

On the Periodization of History and Theory Contribution of Chicago School of Sociology
摘要 社会学芝加哥学派的诞生是二十世纪初以来几十年间美国社会科学研究发展中的一件大事,这一学派大致经历了早期孕育、全盛时期以及衰败时期等几个重要发展阶段。在早期孕育阶段杜威、米德、库利等人为芝加哥社会学的发展提供了哲学思想,并开创了一些社会学基础理论研究领域,斯莫尔等人在介绍欧洲社会学理论等方面贡献甚多,托马斯等人则通过对波兰移民等问题的研究开启了社会学研究的美国化及应用化,使美国社会学研究脱离了欧洲社会学研究的学院式抽象思辨传统。在其发展的全盛时期,帕克、伯吉斯等人介入到都市生态结构以及都市行为研究,进一步强化了美国社会学研究的本土化和应用化特征,并丰富了社会学研究的实证研究方法。芝加哥社会学的发展从根本上来说是对美国二十世纪初以来社会变化与发展的一种反应,二十世纪三四十年代以后,诸如都市问题、移民问题、种族文化问题开始淡化并淡出,美国社会学研究的关注点也发生转移,社会学芝加哥学派也随之而衰落。同时,芝加哥学派不但对美国社会科学产生了深刻影响,同时也催生了美国传播学这样一个新兴研究领域,社会学芝加哥学派的一些重要成员还直接参与了美国新闻传播学的研究。 The birth of Chicago School of Sociology is a great event in social science development in America since the beginning of 20 century.The development of Chicago School of Sociology has roughly experienced the stages of early initiation, zenith and decline.Dewey,Mead and Cooley provided Philosophy thoughts for the development of Chicago School of Sociology at the stage of initiation as well as created the foundation of Sociology theory.Park,Burgess contributed much to ecology struction and urban behavior.The development of Chicago School of Sociology represents the response to the social changes since the beginning of the 20th century. Chicago School of Sociology not only imf]uenced the American social science,but also improved the new research area like Amecican communication science.Some important members of Chicago School of Sociology take part in American communication research directly.
作者 柯泽
出处 《晋阳学刊》 CSSCI 2013年第2期92-100,共9页 Academic Journal of Jinyang
关键词 芝加哥大学 社会学芝加哥学派 斯莫尔 托马斯 帕克 Chicago University Chicago School of Sociology Small Thomas Park
  • 相关文献


  • 1Ribert E.Park: The City: Suggestions for the Investigation of Human Behavior in the urban Environment,American Journal of Sociology 20 (1915):577.
  • 2Martin Bulmer:The Chicago School of Sociology,The University of Chicago Press,Chicago and London, 1984, P.1 5.
  • 3Martin Bulmer: The Chicago School of Sociology: Institutionalization: Diversity, and the Rise of Sociological Research, The University of ChicagoPress, Chicago and London, 1984, P.21.
  • 4Robert E.L.Faris:Chicago Sociology:1920-1932 , Chandler Publishing Company, San Francisco, 1967, p.24.
  • 5Darnel Rucker: The Chicago Pragmatists, Universityof Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1969, p.3-4.
  • 6Edited by Morris Janowitz:W.l.Thomas On Social Orgnaiza- tion and Social Personality,The University Chicago ~ress,Chicago and London, 1966, p. VII.
  • 7J.David Lewis and Richerd L.Smith: American Sociology and Pragmatism, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, 1980, p.154.
  • 8Robert E.L.Faris:Chicago Sociology:1920-1932,Chandler Publishing Company, San Francisco, 1967, p.12.
  • 9Robert E.L.Faris:Chicago Sociology:1920-1932 , Chandler Publishing Company, San Francisco, 1 967, p.11.
  • 10Robert E.L.Faris:Chicago Sociology:1920-1932 , ChandlerPublishing Company, San Francisco, 1967, p.8.










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