
一种基于二次型的无线传感器网络密钥管理方案 被引量:6

A Key Management Scheme Based on Quadratic Form for Wireless Sensor Network
摘要 针对现有的基于多项式的密钥预分配管理方案受限于节点间密钥共享率和网络连通率等问题,文中提出了一种基于二次型的无线传感器密钥管理方案.该方案突破现有二元t次对称多项式建立共享密钥的思路,引入多元非对称二次型多项式,利用二次型特征值与特征向量之间的关系,分析证明二次型正交对角化的特性,生成密钥信息,节点则通过交换密钥信息实现身份认证,生成与邻居节点之间独立唯一的会话密钥.性能分析表明,与现有的密钥管理方案相比,方案在抗俘获性、连通性、可扩展性、通信开销和存储开销上有较大的改进. This paper presents a key management scheme based on quadratic form polynomial for wireless sensor network (WSN) for the problems that some existing key pre-distribution schemes are limited in key sharing and network connectivity probability between neighbor nodes. It beyonds the current ideas for establishing shared key based on quadratic symmetric polynomial and presents the multiple asymmetric quadratic form polynomial, and analyzes the orthogonal diagonalization properties of quadratic form to generate the key information by the relationship between eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the quadratic form, the nodes could achieve identification and generate the unique session keys between the neighbor nodes through exchanging the key information. Compared to some existing key pre-distribution schemes, the analysis of performance show that this scheme could resist captive, have good scalability and connectivity, and have a lower storage cost, a lower communication overhead.
出处 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期214-219,共6页 Acta Electronica Sinica
基金 国家科技支撑计划(No.2011BAJ03B13)
关键词 无线传感器网络 密钥管理 二次型 特征值 特征向量 wireless sensor network key management quadratic fonn eigenvalues eigenvectors
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