
马铃薯膜下滴灌耗水规律的研究 被引量:11

Water Consumption Regulation of Potato under Drip Irrigation Mulched
摘要 以‘克新1号’品种的脱毒原种为材料,研究了膜下滴灌马铃薯全生育期耗水量、阶段耗水量、水分利用效率等的变化规律。结果表明,膜下滴灌下,各时期阶段耗水量和耗水强度以块茎膨大期最大,其次是块茎形成期、苗期、淀粉积累期;除淀粉积累期外,全生育期耗水量和平均耗水强度及各生育时期的阶段耗水量和耗水强度均极显著高于覆膜不滴灌;膜下滴灌马铃薯耗水层主要集中在0~40cm,而覆膜不滴灌为0~60cm;膜下滴灌马铃薯的产量为55 596kg/hm2,与覆膜不滴灌差异显著;水分利用效率为11.36kg/mm,与覆膜不滴灌的差异不显著。 The changes of water consumption amount during the growth period and each growing period, water use efficiency were studied with KeXin No. 1 used as material. Results suggested that the top of wa- ter consumption amount and water consumption intensity in different growing periods of potato under drip irrigation mulched appeared in tuber hulking stage, and others were in tuber initiation stage, in seedling stage, and in starch accumulation stage with sequence. The water consumption amount and the average water consumption intensity during the growth period and each growing period of potato under drip irriga- tion mulched were all significantly higher than those without drip irrigation, except that in starch accumu- lation stage. The main soil water consumption layer of potato under drip irrigation mulched was at 0 40 cm in depth, and that without drip irrigation was at 0~60 cm in depth. The yield of potato under drip irrigation mulched was 55 596 kg/hmz and was significantly higher than that without drip irrigation. The water use efficiency of potato under drip irrigation mulched was 11.36 kg/mm, which was higher than that without drip irrigation, but the differences were not significant.
出处 《灌溉排水学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期47-50,共4页 Journal of Irrigation and Drainage
基金 国家现代农业产业(马铃薯)技术体系建设专项资金项目(nycytx-15 gwzj-20)
关键词 马铃薯 耗水量 土壤含水率 水分利用效率 potato water consumption amount soil water content water use e~{iciency
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