
人类决策行为的经济学与心理学分析——行为经济学研究述评 被引量:2

An Economic and Psychological Analysis of Man's Decision-making Behaviour——A Review of Behavioral Economics Studies
摘要 行为经济学是让经济学家与心理学家经济合作与对话的共同语言体系与平台。心理学家对于作为经济人的人之本性、理性的本质以及行为偏好的不变与反转提供了不同的理解与创见。而伴随着对立与批判,经济学与心理学未来势必会有更多的融合与共识。 Behavioral economics provides a common language system and platform for the cooperation and dialogues between economists and psychologists. Psychologists have provided distinct understandings and insights about the human nature of Economic Man, the essence of reason and the consistency and inversion of behavioral preferences. Along with opposition and criticisms, it is inevitable that more integration and consensus are to be found between economy and psy-chology in the future.
作者 李锐
出处 《苏州科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第1期86-92,共7页 Journal of University of Science and Technology of Suzhou:Social Science
关键词 利己主义 有限理性 行为偏好 egoism bounded rationality behavioral preferences
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