目的 :研究针刺加药物结合麻醉 (简称针药结合麻醉 )在大脑运动语言区病变手术治疗中的作用。方法 :分别采用针药结合麻醉和全身麻醉 (简称全麻 )对 2 5例位于大脑左侧额下回后部语言运动区周围肿瘤实施手术切除 ,比较不同麻醉下对患者语言功能的影响。结果 :15例接受针药结合麻醉的患者中 6例因皮层刺激时发现肿瘤紧邻功能皮层 ,实施次全切除或部分切除 ;另 9例肿瘤获得全切除 ,术后均未见语言障碍或功能障碍加重。在接受全麻的 10例患者中 ,7例获全切除 ,3例获大部分切除 ,术后 3例出现语言功能障碍。结论 :针药结合麻醉有助于在手术中对语言活动进行判断 。
Objective: To study the effect of combined acupuncture drug anesthesia (CADA) in neurosurgical operation of cerebral speech area. Methods: Twenty five patients with tumor close to the speech area underwent neurosurgical operation under CADA or general anesthesia were observed, and the post operational language function protecting effect was analyzed. Results: Among the 15 patients accepted CADA, total tumor resection was achieved in 9 cases, and subtotal or partial resection achieved in 6 due to their tumor too close to the speech area. No post operational complication such as dysphasia or aggravation of functional disorder was found in the patients. In the 10 cases underwent general anesthesia, 7 had tumor total resection, 3 had partial resection, and 3 cases suffered from post operational dysphasia. Conclusion: CADA is helpful in speech area judgement in neurosurgical operation so as to avoid the operational injury on functional area. It is an important method of anesthesia in surgical operation on cerebral speech area.
Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine