在大学学院的管理实践中经常会遇到这样一种问题:学院要为准毕业生们指派毕业论文指导老师,管理者一方面,希望能够公平的分配学生,保证成绩排名好的学生能够优先选到自己报的导师,同时,又希望能够充分的考虑学生的专业方向和对指导老师的选择偏好。基于这样一种需求,本文以某学院一专业的数据为例,利用EXCEL规划求解的方法(PremiumSolver PlatformSoftware),设计了一个毕业生导师指派模型,使分配导师的过程变的更公平和高效。
In the management practice of college in a University, often encounter such a problem:The college due to assign their students to their dissertation tutor. The college manager wishes at one hand, to maintain an equitable distri- bution of students, and ensure the students who have a better academic performance be given a prioritytochoose their tutor. On other hand, tries to be able to fully considerthe major fields or directionsand the choices of the students, also the overall fairness. Based on such a demand, in this paper, using PremiumSolver Platform Software, designed a Student-Tutor Assignment Model, in order to make the process of assignment more equitable and efficient.