
猪输血传播病毒2型福建株ORF1基因特征 被引量:1

Genetic Characteristics of ORF1 Gene of Porcine Torque Teno Virus Genogroup 2 in Fujian
摘要 参照GenBank中登录的猪输血传播病毒2型(Torque Teno Virus genogroup 2,TTV2)ORF1基因序列特征设计特异性引物,采用PCR方法对从福建省某猪场采集的血液基因组DNA中扩增到猪输血传播病毒2型ORF1基因,并对目的片段进行克隆测序。结果表明,所扩增的目的片段编码有TTV2完整的ORF1基因开放阅读框,全长为1 875bp,编码有624个氨基酸。运用生物信息学软件,将获得猪TTV2福建株ORF1基因序列和GenBank中登录的猪TTV2进行分析比较,其和FJ/China/2010/TTV2/2(GenBank登录号JF937656)的同源性高达98.8%,和四川株(GenBank登录号HQ204188)核苷酸同源性最低,仅为83.5%。从遗传进化上看,猪输血传播病毒2型可以分为3个明显的分支亚群,福建分离株在基因1群和基因2群均有分布,推测福建省存在多亚群猪TTV2流行。 The ORF1 Gene of porcine torque teno virus genogroup 2 was amplified by PCR method from the piglets sera genome association with post-weaning multisystem wasting syndrome from Fujian, the targer product was cloned and sequenced. The results demonstrated that the porcine torque teno virus genogroup 2 ORF1 gene was 1875 bp in length, coding an open reading frame (ORF) with 624 amino acids. The nucleotide sequence and the amino acid sequence deduced from the gene were analyzed by the hioinformatics software. Compared with the porcine TTV2 ORF1 genes download from GenBank, the sequenced gene shared the highest homogeneity with FJ/China/ 2010/TTV2/2 (GenBank accession number JF937656) strain at 98.8%, but shared lower homogeneity with SC strain (GenBank accession number HQ204188) strain only at 8,3.5~. According to the results of the phylogenetic relationship, the porcine torque teno virus had three subbranches, the Fujian isolates had two different branches, which means that there had more than two TTV2 sub genogroups in Fujian, China.
出处 《福建农业学报》 CAS 2013年第1期14-17,共4页 Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences
基金 福建省农业科学技术项目(2009-03)
关键词 猪输血传播病毒 ORF1基因 特征 porcine torque teno virus genogroup 2 ORF1 gene characterization
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