1999年 1月至 12月 ,用诺坤复 (微粒化 17β雌二醇 ) ,黄体酮和赠卵治疗卵巢衰竭不孕症 2 0例共 2 1个周期 ,由 17例同时行 IVF- ET或 GIFT的不孕患者和 1例正常妇女提供卵母细胞 ,供卵和接受赠卵者共移植 38个周期 ,妊娠16例 ,妊娠率为 42 .1%。其中接受赠卵 2 1个周期中 ,临床妊娠 10例 ,供卵者移植 17例中 ,临床妊娠 6例 ,妊娠率分别为 47.6 %和 35 .3% ,两组无显著差别。妊娠与未妊娠患者之间平均年龄 。
Twenty recipients with ovarian failure infertility was treated with micronized 17 β estradiol and oocyte donation from Jan. 1, 1999 to Dec. 31, 1999. The oocytes were donated by 17 infertility donors simultaneously performing IVF ET or GIFT and 1 normal woman. Clinical pregnancy rate was 42.1 % in 38 transfer cycles of both donors and recipients, 47.7 % in recipients and 35.3 % in donors respectively. The age of both recipients and donors, causes of infertility and the numbers of embryo transferred had no impact on the pregnancy rate of the recipients and donors.
Acta Universitatis Medicinae Tongji