天然气先转化为合成气 ,再经 Fischer- Tropsch反应合成液体烃类 ( GTL )是近年来天然气转化利用研究的主流。 Shell、Sasol、Exxon、Syntroleum等公司都分别开发了各自的 GTL专利技术。GTL产品中液体燃料基本上由直链烷、烯烃组成 ,具有无硫、无氮、无金属、无芳烃等特点 ,是对环境友好的燃料油和化学品。由于合成气生成技术、F- T合成催化剂和反应工艺的不断改进 ,用 GTL技术开发利用边远地区和分散的中小气田的天然气资源在价格上已能和原油竞争。本文对 F- T合成催化剂、反应器及 GTL技术发展动态等方面做了综述 ,讨论了其今后的发展趋势 ,并指出在我国开展 GTL技术研究的必要性。
Conversion of natural gas to liquid hydrocarbon (GTL) via Fischer Tropsch synthesis (FTS) is one of the main trends in the use of natural gas. Some corporations, such as Shell, Sasol, Exxon and Syntroleum, have developed their patent techniques of GTL, respectively. The products from GTL include fuel oil, base oil for lubricant, and other chemicals, which are environmentally friendly due to its lower S, N, metal content and aromatic hydrocarbon. With the developing in syngas manufacture, catalyst preparation and process design of FTS, GTL compete with the production route from crude oil in economy in remote, small or medium sized gas field. The recent advances in catalysts and processes are reviewed, and the trend of GTL in the future is discussed. It's of great importance to develop the technique in China.\;
Progress in Chemistry