
云南15个特有少数民族7岁以下儿童体格发育调查 被引量:2

Investigation on the physical development of children under the age of 7 years in 15 kinds of endemic minority in Yunnan
摘要 【目的】了解云南15个特有少数民族7岁以下儿童体格发育水平,为各部门提供参考依据。【方法】采用分层整群抽样方法和典型调查相结合,对15个特有少数民族7岁以下儿童进行体重、身长(高)、顶臀长(坐高)、头围、胸围、臂围测量,用Epi Data建立数据库,采用SPSS 15.0软件包对资料进行统计分析。【结果】六项形态指标均随年龄的增加而增长,男童高于女童;2010年体重、身高(长)、臂围较1988年增长,增长值(6岁组男童):体重1.43kg,身高2.8cm,臂围0.7cm;民族及地区差异(6岁组男童):体重均值较高前三位:纳西族、基诺族、白族,较低为:拉祜族、哈尼族,身高均值较高前三位:纳西族、白族、普米族;较低为:布朗族、拉祜族。地区之间体重、身高均丽江、大理、保山较高,元阳、普洱较低。【结论】体重、身高(长)、臂围随时间推移而在增高,身高(长)的增长以下肢增长为主;各民族之间的差异较大,主要是边疆与内地,山区与坝区少数民族的差异大,加大扶贫力度,加强孕期营养及保健,改善少数民族儿童生长发育状况。 [Objective] To establish a database of physical development of children under the age of 7 in 15 kinds of endemic minority in Yunnan,and provide reference for the various departments. [Methods] An investigation was conduc- ted by cluster sampling and typical survey. To measure body weight,length (height), crown-rump length (sitting height), head circumference, chest circumference, and arm circumference for physical development of children under the age of 7 in 15 kinds of endemic minority. The data used Epidata to establish the database,with SPSS15 package for statistical analysis. [Results] Six indices were increasing with age growth. Boys were higher than girls. In 2010, the body weight, length (height) ,and arm circumference were growed compared to 1988. The increments of body weight, length (height), and arm circumference were 1.43 kg,2.8 cm,0.7 cm for boys 6 years old group. Moreover,the group existed difference in nation and region. The top three of higher mean weight were Naxi nationality,Jinuo nationality and Bai nationality. The top two of low- er mean weight were Lahu nationality, Hani nationality. The top three of higher mean height were Naxi nationality,Bai na-tionality and Pumi nationality. The top two of lower mean weight were Bulang nationality, Lahu nationality. The body weight and height both higher regions were Lijiang,Dali,Baoshan. The lower regions were Yuanyang and Puer. [Conclusions] The body weight,length (height) ,and arm circumference increase with time. The height of the growth is mainly the growth of the lower limbs. This difference between the nations is larger, mainly in the border areas and the mainland, the minority preferential policies should be offered, we will intensify our efforts to alleviate poverty through development,and strengthen wowan's nutrition when pregnancy,and help to improve the minority children's growth.
出处 《中国儿童保健杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第3期269-272,共4页 Chinese Journal of Child Health Care
关键词 7岁以下儿童 体格发育 特有少数民族 children under the age of 7 physical development endemic minority
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