
实习护生开展医德医风教育环境改进的对策 被引量:2

Environmental Improvement Countermeasures for Medical Ethics Education in Internship Nursing Students
摘要 实习护生本身专业素质不高,自我控制能力较弱,情绪不稳定,在医德医风方面的经验也不足。这就需要带教人员和医院在各方面做出正确引导:重视实习环节,提高实习护生的理论知识和操作技能;树立实习护生爱岗敬业的品德,培养积极、健康的医德情怀;加强医院人文环境建设,发挥环境育人的作用;加强医院文化建设,灌输医德医风教育;提高带教老师的综合素质;提高实习护生的积极主动性;组织形式多样的医德教育活动。 Internship nursing students have lower professional quality, self control ability is weak, their mood is not stable, short of experience in medical ethics. This needs the correct guidance from teaching personnel and hospital in all respects : paying attention to practice and improving their knowledge and skills ; setting up the quality of professionalism, cultivating positive and healthy medical ethics feelings ; strengthening hospital humanistic envi- ronment construction, play the role of environmental in education; strengthening the construction of hospital cul- ture, infusioning medical ethics education ; improving the comprehensive quality of the teachers ; improving intern- ship nursing students initiative; organizing variety of medical ethics education activities.
出处 《中国医学伦理学》 2013年第1期82-83,共2页 Chinese Medical Ethics
基金 2012年度广东省高等学校思想政治教育课题"思想政治理论课实践教学的形式 内容与实施效果研究--基于实习医学生医德知行合一教育模式的视角"(项目编号:2012ZY017) 南方医科大学南方医院2012院级教育研究课题"实习医学生医德知行统一教育模式研究"(项目编号:12NJ-MS01)的阶段性成果
关键词 实习护生 医德医风 医疗事业 医德教育 医院人文环境 Internship Nursing Students Medical Ethics Medical Career Medical Ethical Education Hospi-tal Humanistic Environment o
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