
基于不同生物指数的罗源湾生态环境质量状况评价 被引量:16

Eco-environmental quality assessment of Luoyuan Bay,Fujian Province of East China based on biotic indices
摘要 将国外已经成功应用的两类生态环境质量状况评价指数:严格基于底栖生物敏感度分类的AZTI海洋生物指数(AZTI marine biotic index,AMBI)和BENTIX指数,以及包含AM-BI、香农多样性指数(H')和物种丰度的复合指数——多因子AZTI海洋生物指数(multivariate-AMBI,M-AMBI)应用于罗源湾,并将这两类指数的评价结果与我国常用的基于群落结构的H'进行相互校准,探讨这些指数在罗源湾的适用性,以期为我国近岸海域生态环境质量状况评价指数的选择提供一定的参考.结果表明:AMBI和BENTIX、M-AMBI和H'的评价结果基本一致.这3类指数在大部分站位的评价结果是一致的(13/16),不一致的站位都是AMBI和BENTIX的评价等级(优或良)高于M-AMBI和H'的评价等级(中).综合考虑物种丰度、个体丰度以及生物群组组成等信息,M-AMBI和H'的评价等级梯度明显(从中到优),评价结果更为合理.对于富营养化程度较高、沉积物有机富集程度低以及底栖生物组成以敏感种为主的罗源湾,选择H'和M-AMBI指数能够合理地评价生态环境质量状况. In this paper, two types of eco-environmental quality assessment indices that have been successively applied abroad, i. e. , the AZTI marine biotic index (AMBI) and BENTIX index based on the ecological sensitivity of benthos and the multivariate-AMBI (M-AMBI), a multivariate index integrating AMBI, Shannon Index H', and species richness, were applied to assess the eco-environ- mental quality of Luoyuan Bay, Fujian Province of East China, and the assessment results were compared with those by the H', an index based on community structure, which is often applied in China, aimed to test the applicability of these indices to the Bay, and to provide reference in selec- ting the indices for assessing our coastal eco-environment quality. Similar assessment results were obtained by applying AMBI and BENTIX index, and M-AMBI and H'. At most stations (13 of 16), the assessment results by applying AMBI and BENTIX index, M-AMBI and H' were coinci- dent, respectively; while at the other 3 stations, the assessment grade was high or good based on AMBI and BENTIX index, but moderate based on M-AMBI and H'. Taking account of the rich- ness, individual abundance, and ecological group composition of the benthos in Luoyuan Bay, the assessment results based on M-AMBI and H' could be more reasonable. It was suggested that for the Luoyuan Bay which has a high level of eutrophication and low organic matter enrichment in sediment and is dominated by sensitive benthos species, M-AMBI and H' could be more applicative and ob- jective than AMBI and BENTIX index in assessing its eco-environmental quality.
出处 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期825-831,共7页 Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
基金 国家海洋局青年科学基金项目(2012149) 福建省自然科学基金项目(2011J05110)资助
关键词 底栖无脊椎动物 生态环境质量状况 评价 生物指数 罗源湾 benthic invertebrate eco-environmental quality status assessment biotic index Luoyuan Bay of Fujian.
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