
现代主义、后现代主义与西方中国历史研究的新趋向 被引量:8

Modernism,Postmodernism,and New Trends in Western Studies of Chinese History
摘要 近30年来,包括后殖民主义、后现代主义和后结构主义在内的所谓后学思潮在西方学术界风靡一时,质疑和冲击了长期以来被视为合理、理性的欧美中心主义的霸权意识及欧美主导的现代主义的权威话语。后学各流派或与之相关的主要概念和方式之间存在着内在联系和发展脉络,其思想和学术的精神与方法也在中国历史研究领域引发了广泛的讨论。后学虽然在观念和视角等较为宏观的领域产生了突破性的启迪作用,但在具体历史研究中尚处在摸索阶段,也存在着严重争议。 During the last three decades, so - called "postism" ( a Chinese nonprofessional, invented referent to postcolonialism, postmodernism and poststrncturalism) has powerfully criticized and challenged the rationality and hegemonic ideology of the long - standing Euro - American centralism and the authoritative discourse of modernism in Western intellectual and academic circles. There are inner connections and evolution between these Post or Post - related concephons, approaches and ways of thinking, and they have caused reactions and discussion from the field of Chinese historical studies. Post trends have definitely cast light on macro ideological and perspective concerns, but have been less fruitful in concrete historical studies.
作者 孙竞昊
出处 《安徽史学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期56-66,共11页 Historical Research In Anhui
基金 上海外国语大学加拿大研究中心“北关中国学”研究项目资助
关键词 现代主义 东方主义 后学 欧美中心 西方中国历史研究 modernism Orientalism postism Euro- American centralism Chinese history studies in the West
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  • 1Hayden V. White, pp. xi, xii.
  • 2Longxi Zhang, Might Opposites : From Dichotomies to Differences in the Comparative Studies of China, pp. 1-- 4.
  • 3Edward Berenson, "A Permanent Revolution : The Historiography of 1789" ,Modern China,vol. 21 ,no. 1 ,Jan- uary 1995 ,p. 89.
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  • 6Steven Best, Douglas Kellner,PostmodernTheory: Critical Interrogations, New York : The Guilford Press, 1991 ,pp. 19--21,38---40.
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  • 8Arif Dirlik ., What Is in a Rim? Critical Perspec- tives on the Pacific Region Idea,pp. 5--13.
  • 9Cabrielle M. Siegel, pp. 10--11,19--20.
  • 10Qin Shao, "Tempest Over Teapots: The Vilification of Teahouse Culture in Early Republic China", Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 57, no. 4, November 1998, pp. 1009-- 1041.











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