
基于模糊AHP变压器运行状态判断矩阵建立方法 被引量:6

Establishment of Judgment Matrices for the Condition Assessment of the Power Transformer Based on Fuzzy AHP
摘要 针对变压器的故障原因、故障机理以及故障征兆之间存在随机性和不确定性,运用层次分析法(AHP)建立了变压器运行状态的模糊综合评价影响因素分析模型;利用AHP的一致性判断矩阵直接转换到模糊对称矩阵,得到了不同的运行状态阶段影响因素指标相对于变压器运行状态的组合权重.这种方法不仅简化了模糊综合评判方法的对称矩阵的建立,也使变压器运行状态的评价准则更满足工程实际的要求.实例表明,该方法将层次分析法和模糊综合评判方法相结合,可以对各影响因素进行权衡分析,从而有效地对变压器运行状态作出综合评价. Due to the randomness and uncertainty which are existed in the transformer fault, the fault symptoms and the fault mechanism, an influence factor fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model of transformer condition was established using analytical hierarchy process (AHP). A method that converts the consistency judgment matrices of AHP to a fuzzy symmetric matrix was proposed in order to get combination weight of influence factors in the transformer condition. This method could be used to simplify establishment of symmetric matrices of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. And it could be also used in giving an evaluation criteria for the power transformer which better met the actual requirements. Thus, the effectiveness of the proposed method in transformer fault diagnose was verified by experimental results.
出处 《东北大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期317-321,共5页 Journal of Northeastern University(Natural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61050006) 教育部少数民族高级骨干人才培养基金资助项目(教民[2008]8)
关键词 层次分析法 模糊综合评判 电力变压器 综合评价 互补判断矩阵 analytical hierarchy process ( AHP ) fuzzy comprehensive assessment (FCA) power transformer comprehensive evaluation complementary judgment matrices
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