对 D湖水产养殖场 ,室内养鳖池水体和底泥中的异养细菌及自养细菌种类、数量进行了初步测定分析。结果表明水中异养细菌总数为 5 .3× 10 5 ~ 17.0× 10 5 CFU / ml,底泥中异养细菌总数为 1.6 6× 10 6~ 2 .2 4× 10 6CFU / m l(湿重 )。三种自养细菌的总数 (用最大可能数 MPN法测得 )分别为 8.5 MPN / ml,0 .4MPN / ml,2 .45 MPN/ ml。自养细菌的数量明显低于异养细菌。试验稚鳖池水中共分离出 2 1株异养细菌 ,其中优势菌为假单胞杆菌属细菌(Pseudom onas) ;底泥中共分离出 2 5株异养细菌 ,其中优势菌为芽胞杆菌属细菌 (Bacillus) ,微球菌属细菌(Micrococcus)假单胞菌属细菌 (Pseudomonas) ,三种自养细菌分别为具有氧化硫化氢、元素硫或硫化亚铁的硫细菌 ;具有氧化氨为亚硝酸的亚硝化细菌和能将亚硝酸进一步转化成硝酸的硝化细菌。测定稚鳖养殖池水体的化学指标其中BOD5 ,NH3 - N,大大超过渔业水质标准及参考标准。 S2 -指标虽未超标但也接近标准的上限值。
Heterotrophic bacteria and autotrophic bacteria were identified and counted in the water body and the sediment of the juvenile triongx. The results showed that total number of heterortrophic bacteria in the water body and sediment were (5.3—17.0)×10 5 CFU/ml and (1.0—1.5)×10 6 CFU/g (wet weight) respectively. Total number of 3 genus of autotrophic bacteria were 8.5 MPN/ml, 0.4 MPN/ml and 2.45 MPN/ml, respectively. The number of autoterophic bacteria were significantly lower than the heterotrophic bacteria. Majority of 21 strains of heterotrophic bacteria that isolated from water body were Pseudomonas. Majority of 25 strains of heterotrophic bacteria isolated from sediment were bacillus, microccus and Pseudomonas. Three genus of autotrophic bacteria were sulphuret bacteria, nitrify bacteria and nitrosobacteria that were capable of oxidizing H 2S, S, FeS, oxidizing NH 3 to NO 2 and NO 2 to NO3 respectively. The chemical indicators (BOD 5, NH 3 N and S) in the water body were determined and they overrun the fishery, water quality standard. Sulphuret approached the maximum limit in the fishpond water body. The 3 breed water body was heavily polluted.
Acta Universitatis Medicinae Tongji
农业部科技攻关课题! (渔 95 -青 - 96 - 0 5 )
water body of Juvenile trionyx
hegerotrophic bacteria
autotrophic bacteria
pollution, water bodyP