
Probabilistic model for remain passenger queues at subway station platform

Probabilistic model for remain passenger queues at subway station platform
摘要 The remain passenger problem at subway station platform was defined initially,and the period variation of remain passenger queues at platform was investigated through arriving and boarding analyses.Taking remain passenger queues at platform as dynamic stochastic process,a new probabilistic queuing method was developed based on probabilistic theory and discrete time Markov chain theory.This model can calculate remain passenger queues while considering different directions.Considering the stable or variable train arriving period and different platform crossing types,a series of model deformation research was carried out.The probabilistic approach allows to capture the cyclic behavior of queues,measures the uncertainty of a queue state prediction by computing the evolution of its probability in time,and gives any temporal distribution of the arrivals.Compared with the actual data,the deviation of experimental results is less than 20%,which shows the efficiency of probabilistic approach clearly. The remain passenger problem at subway station platform was defined initially, and the period variation of remain passenger queues at platform was investigated through arriving and boarding analyses. Taking remain passenger queues at platform as dynamic stochastic process, a new probabilistic queuing method was developed based on probabilistic theory and discrete time Markov chain theory. This model can calculate remain passenger queues while considering different directions. Considering the stable or variable train arriving period and different platform crossing types, a series of model deformation research was carried out. The probabilistic approach allows to capture the cyclic behavior of queues, measures the uncertainty of a queue state prediction by computing the evolution of its probability in time, and gives any temporal distribution of the arrivals. Compared with the actual data, the deviation of experimental results is less than 20%, which shows the efficiency ofprobabilistic approach clearly.
出处 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第3期837-844,共8页 中南大学学报(英文版)
基金 Project(2011BAG01B01) supported by the Major State Basic Research and Development Program of China Project(RCS2012ZZ002) supported by the State Key Lab of Rail Traffic Control and Safety,China
关键词 SUBWAY PLATFORM remain passenger queuing theory probabilistic theory Markov chain 概率模型 循环队列 地铁站台 乘客 马尔可夫链理论 动态随机过程 离散时间 周期变化
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