目的 探讨bFGFmRNA表达水平与婴幼儿血管瘤发生、发展的关系。方法 应用RT PCR技术对 34例婴幼儿血管瘤进行了bFGFmRNA表达的分析。结果 发现bFGFmRNA在所测组织中均有不同水平的表达升高。结论 提示bFGFmRNA与婴幼儿血管瘤的发生、发展有一定的关系。
Objective To investigate the relationship between the expression of bFGF and mRNA with the occurrence and progression of infantile hemangiomas. Methods The qualitative and quantitative study on bFGF and mRNA in 34 infants with hemangiomas was investigated by RT PCR technique, and normal parotid tissues around the hemangiomas ( n =5) served as controls. Results The expression of bFGF and mRNA was higher than those of the normal controls. Conclusion bFGF and mRNA might have important role in the occurrence and progression of hemangiomas.
Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery