
学术团队的运作与人才成长的微环境分析 被引量:29

Analysis on the Operation of Academic Teams and the Micro-environment of Talents' Development
摘要 以项目为牵引的团队研究现象今天极为普遍,团队不仅是一个研究单元,而且已经成为一个越来越不可忽视的微型人才培养组织。由于团队组合所带有的研究为本和任务偏好,现实之中团队运作不畅的现象极为寻常,即使一些在研究上成功的团队在人才培养方面也往往差强人意。因此,如何兼顾研究任务完成与人的发展、制度的刚性与文化的柔性,在强调集体协作的同时又能尊重个人的自主探索和创造性发挥,实现学术团队研究与卓越人才培养的双赢,是当前我国高校实施人才强校战略尤为需要关注的议题。 Nowadays, the program-driven team research has become commonplace. Team is not only a research unit, but also an increasingly important organization of talents cultivation. Due to the fact that cooperation among team members is research centered and task-preferred, thus, the cultivation of talents is barely satisfactory even in the case of suc cessful research teams, not to mention those poor operating teams. Therefore, a theme that needs our attention in implementing the strategy of enhancing universities with talents is how to balance research task fulfillment and talents development, or how to consider institutional rigidity and cultural flexibility, or how to emphasize team cooperation and yet respect indi viduals' self-exploration and innovation, namely how to realize the win-win strategy of academic team research and extraordinary talents' training.
作者 阎光才
出处 《高等教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期32-41,共10页 Journal of Higher Education
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目(09JZD0036-1) 上海市哲学社会科学规划教科重点课题(A0908) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-08-0201)
关键词 学术团队 人才成长 微环境 academic teams talents' development micro-environment
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