
面向能力需求的武器装备体系组合规划模型与算法 被引量:8

Capability requirements oriented weapon system of systems portfolio planning model and algorithm
摘要 基于能力的规划逐渐成为发展武器装备体系的主流思想,但目前研究成果中缺少定量的模型和算法,实现基于能力的规划.针对该问题,研究了基于能力的武器装备体系组合规划建模和求解.首先提出了能力需求的定量描述,然后基于组合优化和范数理想点法,构建了武器装备体系组合规划模型,并设计了基于差分进化的求解算法,最后通过某侦察预警监视体系规划论证示例,验证了本文所提模型和算法的有效性.本模型和算法可为基于能力的武器装备体系规划和论证提供决策支持. Capabilities based planning (CBP) has become the mainstream strategy gradually to develop weapon system of systems (WSoS), b-at it lacks quantitative model and algorithm to implement the practical process of CBP in recently research. To solve this problem, the modeling and solution are investigated on Capability based WSoS Portfolio Planning, a quantitative description of capability requirements is proposed firstly, a portfolio planning model of WSoS is constructed based on combinatorial optimization and norm ideal point method secondly, and then a solving algorithm is proposed based on differential evolution, the effectiveness of the proposed model and algorithm is demonstrated by a portfolio planning example of intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance WSoS. The model and algorithm can support the decision making on implementing CBP to plan and demonstrate WSoS.
出处 《系统工程理论与实践》 EI CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期809-816,共8页 Systems Engineering-Theory & Practice
基金 国家自然科学基金(71031007 71001104 70901074 71201168)
关键词 体系 组合规划 能力需求 差分进化 system of systems port:Folio planning capability requirements differential evolution
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