
环境社会学的理论起源与发展 被引量:5

The Theoretical Origins and Development of Environmental Sociology
摘要 环境社会学于19世纪70年代在美国诞生,与早期美国环境社会学家的努力密不可分。卡顿和邓拉普对"环境社会学"的概念和内涵进行了界定,区分了"环境社会学"与"环境问题的社会学",并提出了"新生态范式",为环境社会学成为社会学的显性分支学科奠定了基础。其他社会科学的研究,诸如社会生态学、生态女性主义和深层生态学都为环境社会学的诞生提供了重要的理论起源。从环境问题产生的系统原因,环境问题造成的社会后果,人类社会对环境问题的反应等三个方面可以把美国环境社会学的主要研究方向分为九个方面。美国环境社会学的起源及其主要研究方向对我国环境社会学的发展具有重要的启发和借鉴意义。 Environmental sociology was born in the 1970's in America, which were the efforts of earlier American environmental sociologist. Catton and Dunlap defined the concept and connotation of environmental sociology and make a clear distinction of environmental sociology and sociology of environmental problem. The also introduced the concept of new ecological paradigm. All of these made the foundation for environmental sociology becoming a dominant branch of sociology. Other results of social sciences, such as social ecology, ecological feminism and deep ecology also made contributions to the theoretical origins of environmental sociology; American environmental sociology can be classified into nine fields from the three aspects, which are the system reasons, social results and the mankind's reaction of environmental problems. The origins and main research fields of American environmental Sociology have significant meanings to China's environmental sociology.
作者 程鹏立 钟军
出处 《生态经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期24-28,共5页 Ecological Economy
基金 重庆市社会科学规划博士项目"城镇化进程中农村生活垃圾污染与环境治理研究" 国家社会科学基金项目"‘人-水’和谐机制研究--基于太湖 淮河流域的农村实地调查"(07BSH036) 重庆科技学院校内科研基金项目"水环境压力与长江沿岸化工产业的健康发展"
关键词 环境社会学 新生态范式 环境健康 气候变化 environmental sociology new ecological paradigm environmental health climate change
  • 相关文献


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