
康德《遗著》研究:文献和动态 被引量:2

Research on Kant's Opus postumum : Literature and dymatic
摘要 康德的《遗著》是国际学界研究的热点之一,而国内学界对如此重要的手稿关注甚少,这种不对称的现状亟待改观。本文通过对与之相关的大量文献(主要是英文和德文文献,还有一些西班牙文文献)的精心梳理,力图清晰地展示出国外学者对康德《遗著》研究的现状,以期能对国内读者有所帮助。本文分三个部分,即国内外文献和研究群体的比较;《遗著》的版本考察(包括不同时期的版本比较及认识);《遗著》创作原因的三种观点(如"漏洞说"、"矛盾说"和"内外因协调作用说")。由此得出几点新思考:康德晚年并不缺乏批判能力;《遗著》并非缺乏思想创造力之作,相反,《遗著》可能是我们理解康德哲学及其发展的钥匙。 In the Kant philosophic thinking development process," Opus postumum" was one of the popular academic matters which internation- al academic community concern. However, it is less attention being paid by domestic academic community. This paper tried to clearly demon- strate the overseas research status on "Opus postumum" by systematizing a mass of related re~'erenees (mainly in English and German, a small number in Spanish). This paper divided into three parts: the first part general compared references and the research groups between domestic and overseas, the second part introduced a few editions of"Opus postumum" (comparison and analysis of the edition in different period ) and the third part studied the relationship among the three kinds of viewpoints of creative reasons in the "Opus postumum"(Such as "gap problem", "contradiction problem" and "coordinated action of inside and outside reason problem "). This paper reaches some new ideas: In his old age, Kant was not lack of critical ability; "Opus postumum" may be the key of the understanding of Kant's philosophy and its stage of development.
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期84-91,共8页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
基金 2012年全国社科规划第三批重大招标课题重点项目"西方科学哲学史"(12AZD070) 2011年全国社科基金后期资助项目"科学哲学:基本范畴的历史考察"(11FZX020)的资助
关键词 康德 遗著 版本考察 批判哲学 科学哲学 Opus postumum Investigation of version Critical philosophy Philosophy of sciences
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  • 10Bryan Hall. A Dilemma for Kant's Theory of substance [M]. British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 2011, 19(1) :79.


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  • 5斯塔尔克.“康德在其作品印刷中的协作”,见路德维希(Bernd Ludwig)主编.《康德的法学说附斯塔尔克对康德作品的印刷的研究》,汉堡,Meiner,1988(康德研究.2),第7到29页.
  • 6莱曼."康德论永久和平的论文的副本片段",见莱曼.《康德哲学的历史和阐释论文集》,柏林,de Gruyter,1969年,第51到66页.
  • 7阿迪克斯.“手写遗著部分导言”,见《康德全集》,普鲁士皇家科学院主编,柏林,1900年,第14卷,第ⅩⅤ-LⅫ,ⅩⅩⅩ页.
  • 8莱曼.“导言”,见《康德:遗著》,布赫瑙和莱曼主编,AA,S第751-789,784页.
  • 9出版说明,见《语境中的康德Ⅱ--2003完整版,光盘上的著作、信件和遗著》,Karsten Worm主编.InfosftWare,柏林,2003年.
  • 10弗鲁格-哈尔通.“康德遗留手稿的古文字学评注”,载于《哲学史文献Ⅱ》,1889年,第31到44页,第32页.










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