

Questions on Logical Foundation of Twin Paradox
摘要 双生子佯谬是狭义相对论中的典型效应,匈牙利学者Madarász等人在《双生子佯谬及相对论的逻辑基础》一文中首先阐述了双生子佯谬与狭义相对论的一阶逻辑基础的关系。本文将通过分析和比较该文中提及的两个公理系统Specrel和AccRel,分别从物理和逻辑两个角度提出了这两个系统中存在的问题。 Twin paradox is one typical phenomemna in special relativity. In the paper "Twin Paradox and the Logical Foundation of Relativity Theory", Madarfisz et al. proposed an approach to the logical axiomization of special relativity and twin paradox. In this paper, we will first an- alyze and compare the two first-order axiom systems Specrel and AccRel introduced in that paper. Then we will point out some problems in these two syetems from both physical and logical viewpoints.
作者 陈磊 陈征
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期114-119,共6页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
基金 国家自然科学基金(10975017)
关键词 狭义相对论 双生子佯谬 一阶语言 公理化 Spacial relativity Two paradox First order language axiomization
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