
女性生殖道畸形与盆腔痛 被引量:3

Female reproductive tract abnormalities and pelvic pain
摘要 女性生殖道畸形并发盆腔痛主要是由于青春期后月经通道受阻而发生。病程进展可致子宫输卵管积血、子宫内膜异位症,表现为盆腔疼痛程度的逐渐加重。生殖道畸形种类繁多,临床表现复杂,故辅助检查在协助诊断方面具有极其重要的价值。结合正确的临床诊断,实施最恰当的临床处理,以期提高患者的生活质量、生育能力及心理健康状态。 Female genital tract malformation often manifests as adolescence cyclic pelvic pain by pre- cluding the outflow of menstruation. With the obstruc- tion progressing increased the likelihood of hema- tometra, hematosalpinx and endometriosis. Making pelvic pain become worse. Female genital tract mal- formation is complicated, so use auxiliary examination for the diagnosis is essential.. Accurate diagnosis, appropriate clinical treatment is very helpful to im- prove the patients'life quality ,fertility and psycholog- ical health.
出处 《中国实用妇科与产科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期180-183,共4页 Chinese Journal of Practical Gynecology and Obstetrics
关键词 盆腔痛 生殖道畸形 pelvic pain genital malformation
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