
产品回收直接再利用的管理决策研究:基于回收品品质的分析 被引量:2

Optimal ManagementPolicy for Returned Items with Reliability Assurance
摘要 回收品品质下降是一个客观事实,部分企业为了在成本支付和产品可靠性之间达成均衡,抛弃当期未投入使用的旧产品,并设置一个回收品可靠性阈值以降低回收成本、回收清洁成本和潜在风险成本等。本文考察电子产品的新购和回收再利用过程,以新产品订购成本、新产品库存持有成本、旧产品回收成本、旧产品清洁成本、短缺成本和潜在风险成本为目标函数,获得"可靠性阈值-补货策略"的优解。公司案例表明,(s,Q)补货策略优于(s,S)补货策略;敏感性分析表明,新购单位变动成本对总成本的影响最为明显,旧产品单位回收成本次之。 The reliability of product will gradually decline during the process of recycling. In order to gain a balance between cost and reliability, some enterprises discard in-stock returned items which are not used. They set a reliability threshold to reduce recycled cost, check cost and reliability risk cost. This paper observes the circulation of new electronic items and returned items, sums up the ordering cost, holding cost, recycling cost, check cost, shortage cost and reliability risk cost, gains an optimal policy about reliability threshold and acquisition. Data from an enterprise proves that, (s,Q) acquisition policy is more economic than that of (s,S). Sensitivity analysis shows that unit new item acquisition cost and unit recovery cost work on the total cost.
作者 周剑
出处 《管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期161-166,共6页 Management Review
基金 教育部人文社科项目(12XJC870002)
关键词 产品回收 可靠性阈值 补货策略 product recovery, product reliability threshold, acquisition police
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