
长径比对动能杆飞散特性影响的数值模拟 被引量:2

Numerical Simulation of the Relation Between Slenderness Ratio and Flight-characteristics of KE-rod
摘要 为研究长径比对定向式动能杆飞散特性的影响规律,以非线性动力分析软件LS-DYNA为工具,分别对11种不同长径比的动能杆进行数值模拟,得出动能杆飞散速度、空间分布与动能杆长径比的关系:当长径比大于5小于11时,动能杆的速度呈递增趋势,当长径比大于11时,动能杆的速度趋于平缓,有所降低;从空间分布看,长径比大于5小于8时,动能杆的空间分布较密集,长径比大于8时,动能杆的空间分布相对散开,分布也均匀,当长径比为11时,动能杆的飞散速度和空间分布最优。和文献中的数据进行对比,仿真与文献中数值计算结果基本吻合,和实验稍有差距,可能是由数值模拟采用的材料模型和试验所用的材料有一定误差所致。仿真结果可为此类战斗部的设计提供参考。 This paper studies the effect of the slenderness ratio on the dispersion characteristics of the aimed KE-rod warhead, with the nonlinear dynamic analysis software ES-DYNA, 11 different slenderness ratios of the KE-rod are considered, and the relationship among the KE-rod speed, the spatial distribution and the slenderness ratio is obtained When the slenderness ratio is greater than 5 and less than 11, the speed of the KE-rod increases with the slenderness, and when the slenderness ratio is greater than 11, the speed decrease slowly; for the spatial distribution, when the slenderness ratio greater than 5 and less than 8, the spatial distribution of the KE-rod is more intensive, when the slenderness ratio is greater than 8, the distribution is relatively dispersed and uniform, when the slenderness ratio is 11, the velocity and spatial distribution of the KE-rod is optimal. The simulation results are basically consistent with those in the literature, and differ slightly with those obtained by experiments. The simulation results can provide a reference for the design of this type of warhead.
出处 《科技导报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期55-58,共4页 Science & Technology Review
基金 航空科学基金项目(20120196006)
关键词 长径比 动能杆 LS-DYNA 数值模拟 slenderness kinetic energy rod LS-DYNA numerical simulation
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