
杏鲍菇高产高效栽培料配方研究 被引量:9

Study on the Compost Formulas for Efficient Cultivation of Pleurotus eryngii
摘要 以木屑、棉籽壳、玉米芯及其复合物为主料,通过调整麸皮用量,设计了16个杏鲍菇栽培料配方,通过塑料袋栽培,研究了16种栽培料配方对杏鲍菇菌丝生长和产量及经济效益的影响。结果表明:不同配方栽培料上菌丝满袋时间及杏鲍菇产量均达到极显著差异。以玉米芯为主料的配方9栽培料中菌丝生长速度最快,菌丝满袋时间为35.83d;其次是以木屑为主料的配方6,菌丝满袋时间为37.06d;棉籽壳栽培料中菌丝生长速度普遍较慢。以玉米芯为主料的配方11产量最高,经济效益最好,第1潮菇的生物学效率达到67.6%,每袋(250g栽培料)的经济效益比生产上常用的配方4增加了0.5597元;其次是以玉米芯和木屑为复合主料的配方16,生物学效率为65.2%,每袋的经济效益比配方4增加了0.4874元;以木屑为主料的配方5产量最低,经济效益最差。可以看出,杏鲍菇菌丝生长状况及其产量受栽培料C/N和主料种类的影响均较大,配方11、配方16是杏鲍菇栽培的理想配方,原料来源广泛,价格较低,栽培效益好。 16 kinds of compost formulas of Pleurotus eryngii were designed systematically, in which the main materials were sawdust, cotton seed hull, corncob, or their compounds, and auxiliary materials were different content of wheat bran.The effects of 16 kinds of compost formulas on mycelia growth status, yield,and economic benefit were studied with plastic bag cultivation. The results showed that the time overgrown bag by mycelia and fruit body yield all reached theextremely significant difference in different formula composts. Mycetia growth rate was the fastest in No. 9 formula of corncob compost,and the time overgrown bag by mycelia was 35.83 d. Secondly,the time overgrown bag by mycelia was37:06 d in No. 6 formula of sawdust compost. Mycelia growth rate was slow in cotton seed hull composts. The yield and economic benefit were the highest with No. 11 formula of corncob compost, the biological efficiency of the first tide offruit body reached up to 67. 6% and the economic benefit each bag with 250 gram cultivation materials was 0. 5597 yuan higher than with No. 4 formula that was usually used in Pleurotus eryngii cultivation. Secondly,biological efficiency was65.2% with No. 16 formula of corncob and sawdust compound compost, and the economic benefit each bag was 0. 4874 yuan higher than with No. 4 formula. The yield and economic benefit were the lowest with No. 5 formula of sawdustcompost. It was observed that the mycelia growth status and fruit body ;yield were affected obviously by carbon nitrogen ratio of compost and the kind of main material. No. 11 and No. 16 formulas were the optimum formulas for Pleurotuseryngii cultivation. Their materials were more widespread and cheaper than cotton seed hull in the north of China. The economic benefit increased observably using the 2 formulas.
出处 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第6期155-158,共4页 Northern Horticulture
基金 河北省教育厅资助项目(2009449)
关键词 杏鲍菇 栽培料配方 菌丝生长速度 产量 经济效益 Pleurotus eryngii compost formula mycelia growth rate yield economic benefit
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